Package v1 is the v1 version of the API.
Resource Types:
- CephBlockPool
- CephBucketNotification
- CephBucketTopic
- CephCOSIDriver
- CephClient
- CephCluster
- CephFilesystem
- CephFilesystemMirror
- CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroup
- CephNFS
- CephObjectRealm
- CephObjectStore
- CephObjectStoreUser
- CephObjectZone
- CephObjectZoneGroup
- CephRBDMirror
CephBlockPool represents a Ceph Storage Pool
Field | Description | ||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||
kind string | CephBlockPool | ||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||
spec NamedBlockPoolSpec |
| ||||
status CephBlockPoolStatus |
CephBucketNotification represents a Bucket Notifications
Field | Description | ||||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||||
kind string | CephBucketNotification | ||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||||
spec BucketNotificationSpec |
| ||||||
status Status | (Optional) |
CephBucketTopic represents a Ceph Object Topic for Bucket Notifications
Field | Description | ||||||||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||||||||
kind string | CephBucketTopic | ||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||||||||
spec BucketTopicSpec |
| ||||||||||
status BucketTopicStatus | (Optional) |
CephCOSIDriver represents the CRD for the Ceph COSI Driver Deployment
Field | Description | ||||||||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||||||||
kind string | CephCOSIDriver | ||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||||||||
spec CephCOSIDriverSpec | Spec represents the specification of a Ceph COSI Driver
CephClient represents a Ceph Client
Field | Description | ||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||
kind string | CephClient | ||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||
spec ClientSpec | Spec represents the specification of a Ceph Client
| ||||
status CephClientStatus | (Optional) Status represents the status of a Ceph Client |
CephCluster is a Ceph storage cluster
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
kind string | CephCluster | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
spec ClusterSpec |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
status ClusterStatus | (Optional) |
CephFilesystem represents a Ceph Filesystem
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||||||||||||||
kind string | CephFilesystem | ||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||||||||||||||
spec FilesystemSpec |
| ||||||||||||||||
status CephFilesystemStatus |
CephFilesystemMirror is the Ceph Filesystem Mirror object definition
Field | Description | ||||||||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||||||||
kind string | CephFilesystemMirror | ||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||||||||
spec FilesystemMirroringSpec |
| ||||||||||
status Status | (Optional) |
CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroup represents a Ceph Filesystem SubVolumeGroup
Field | Description | ||||||||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||||||||
kind string | CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroup | ||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||||||||
spec CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroupSpec | Spec represents the specification of a Ceph Filesystem SubVolumeGroup
| ||||||||||
status CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroupStatus | (Optional) Status represents the status of a CephFilesystem SubvolumeGroup |
CephNFS represents a Ceph NFS
Field | Description | ||||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||||
kind string | CephNFS | ||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||||
spec NFSGaneshaSpec |
| ||||||
status Status | (Optional) |
CephObjectRealm represents a Ceph Object Store Gateway Realm
Field | Description | ||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||
kind string | CephObjectRealm | ||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||
spec ObjectRealmSpec | (Optional)
| ||
status Status | (Optional) |
CephObjectStore represents a Ceph Object Store Gateway
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
kind string | CephObjectStore | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
spec ObjectStoreSpec |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
status ObjectStoreStatus |
CephObjectStoreUser represents a Ceph Object Store Gateway User
Field | Description | ||||||||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||||||||
kind string | CephObjectStoreUser | ||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||||||||
spec ObjectStoreUserSpec |
| ||||||||||
status ObjectStoreUserStatus | (Optional) |
CephObjectZone represents a Ceph Object Store Gateway Zone
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||||||||||
kind string | CephObjectZone | ||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||||||||||
spec ObjectZoneSpec |
| ||||||||||||
status Status | (Optional) |
CephObjectZoneGroup represents a Ceph Object Store Gateway Zone Group
Field | Description | ||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||
kind string | CephObjectZoneGroup | ||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||
spec ObjectZoneGroupSpec |
| ||
status Status | (Optional) |
CephRBDMirror represents a Ceph RBD Mirror
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||
apiVersion string | ceph.rook.io/v1 | ||||||||||||||
kind string | CephRBDMirror | ||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||||||||||||
spec RBDMirroringSpec |
| ||||||||||||||
status Status | (Optional) |
(Appears on:TopicEndpointSpec)
AMQPEndpointSpec represent the spec of an AMQP endpoint of a Bucket Topic
Field | Description |
uri string | The URI of the AMQP endpoint to push notification to |
exchange string | Name of the exchange that is used to route messages based on topics |
disableVerifySSL bool | (Optional) Indicate whether the server certificate is validated by the client or not |
ackLevel string | (Optional) The ack level required for this topic (none/broker/routeable) |
AdditionalVolumeMount represents the source from where additional files in pod containers should come from and what subdirectory they are made available in.
Field | Description |
subPath string | SubPath defines the sub-path (subdirectory) of the directory root where the volumeSource will be mounted. All files/keys in the volume source’s volume will be mounted to the subdirectory. This is not the same as the Kubernetes |
volumeSource ConfigFileVolumeSource | VolumeSource accepts a pared down version of the standard Kubernetes VolumeSource for the additional file(s) like what is normally used to configure Volumes for a Pod. Fore example, a ConfigMap, Secret, or HostPath. Each VolumeSource adds one or more additional files to the container |
AdditionalVolumeMounts ([]github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.AdditionalVolumeMount
(Appears on:GatewaySpec, SSSDSidecar)
(Appears on:NetworkSpec)
Field | Description |
public CIDRList | (Optional) Public defines a list of CIDRs to use for Ceph public network communication. |
cluster CIDRList | (Optional) Cluster defines a list of CIDRs to use for Ceph cluster network communication. |
Annotations (map[string]string
(Appears on:FilesystemMirroringSpec, GaneshaServerSpec, GatewaySpec, MetadataServerSpec, RBDMirroringSpec, RGWServiceSpec)
Annotations are annotations
AnnotationsSpec (map[github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.KeyType]github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.Annotations
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
AnnotationsSpec is the main spec annotation for all daemons
(Appears on:ObjectStoreSpec)
AuthSpec represents the authentication protocol configuration of a Ceph Object Store Gateway
Field | Description |
keystone KeystoneSpec | (Optional) The spec for Keystone |
BucketNotificationEvent (string
(Appears on:BucketNotificationSpec)
BucketNotificationSpec represent the event type of the bucket notification
(Appears on:CephBucketNotification)
BucketNotificationSpec represent the spec of a Bucket Notification
Field | Description |
topic string | The name of the topic associated with this notification |
events []BucketNotificationEvent | (Optional) List of events that should trigger the notification |
filter NotificationFilterSpec | (Optional) Spec of notification filter |
(Appears on:CephBucketTopic)
BucketTopicSpec represent the spec of a Bucket Topic
Field | Description |
objectStoreName string | The name of the object store on which to define the topic |
objectStoreNamespace string | The namespace of the object store on which to define the topic |
opaqueData string | (Optional) Data which is sent in each event |
persistent bool | (Optional) Indication whether notifications to this endpoint are persistent or not |
endpoint TopicEndpointSpec | Contains the endpoint spec of the topic |
(Appears on:CephBucketTopic)
BucketTopicStatus represents the Status of a CephBucketTopic
Field | Description |
phase string | (Optional) |
ARN string | (Optional) The ARN of the topic generated by the RGW |
observedGeneration int64 | (Optional) ObservedGeneration is the latest generation observed by the controller. |
CIDR (string
An IPv4 or IPv6 network CIDR.
This naive kubebuilder regex provides immediate feedback for some typos and for a common problem case where the range spec is forgotten (e.g., /24). Rook does in-depth validation in code.
COSIDeploymentStrategy (string
(Appears on:CephCOSIDriverSpec)
COSIDeploymentStrategy represents the strategy to use to deploy the Ceph COSI driver
Value | Description |
"Always" | Always means the Ceph COSI driver will be deployed even if the object store is not present |
"Auto" | Auto means the Ceph COSI driver will be deployed automatically if object store is present |
"Never" | Never means the Ceph COSI driver will never deployed |
(Appears on:CSIDriverSpec)
CSICephFSSpec defines the settings for CephFS CSI driver.
Field | Description |
kernelMountOptions string | (Optional) KernelMountOptions defines the mount options for kernel mounter. |
fuseMountOptions string | (Optional) FuseMountOptions defines the mount options for ceph fuse mounter. |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
CSIDriverSpec defines CSI Driver settings applied per cluster.
Field | Description |
readAffinity ReadAffinitySpec | (Optional) ReadAffinity defines the read affinity settings for CSI driver. |
cephfs CSICephFSSpec | (Optional) CephFS defines CSI Driver settings for CephFS driver. |
(Appears on:CephStatus)
Capacity is the capacity information of a Ceph Cluster
Field | Description |
bytesTotal uint64 | |
bytesUsed uint64 | |
bytesAvailable uint64 | |
lastUpdated string |
CephBlockPoolRadosNamespace represents a Ceph BlockPool Rados Namespace
Field | Description | ||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the metadata field. | ||||||
spec CephBlockPoolRadosNamespaceSpec | Spec represents the specification of a Ceph BlockPool Rados Namespace
| ||||||
status CephBlockPoolRadosNamespaceStatus | (Optional) Status represents the status of a CephBlockPool Rados Namespace |
(Appears on:CephBlockPoolRadosNamespace)
CephBlockPoolRadosNamespaceSpec represents the specification of a CephBlockPool Rados Namespace
Field | Description |
name string | (Optional) The name of the CephBlockPoolRadosNamespaceSpec namespace. If not set, the default is the name of the CR. |
blockPoolName string | BlockPoolName is the name of Ceph BlockPool. Typically it’s the name of the CephBlockPool CR. |
mirroring RadosNamespaceMirroring | (Optional) Mirroring configuration of CephBlockPoolRadosNamespace |
(Appears on:CephBlockPoolRadosNamespace)
CephBlockPoolRadosNamespaceStatus represents the Status of Ceph BlockPool Rados Namespace
Field | Description |
phase ConditionType | (Optional) |
info map[string]string | (Optional) |
mirroringStatus MirroringStatusSpec | (Optional) |
mirroringInfo MirroringInfoSpec | (Optional) |
snapshotScheduleStatus SnapshotScheduleStatusSpec | (Optional) |
(Appears on:CephBlockPool)
CephBlockPoolStatus represents the mirroring status of Ceph Storage Pool
Field | Description |
phase ConditionType | (Optional) |
mirroringStatus MirroringStatusSpec | (Optional) |
mirroringInfo MirroringInfoSpec | (Optional) |
poolID int | optional |
snapshotScheduleStatus SnapshotScheduleStatusSpec | (Optional) |
info map[string]string | (Optional) |
observedGeneration int64 | (Optional) ObservedGeneration is the latest generation observed by the controller. |
conditions []Condition |
(Appears on:CephCOSIDriver)
CephCOSIDriverSpec represents the specification of a Ceph COSI Driver
Field | Description |
image string | (Optional) Image is the container image to run the Ceph COSI driver |
objectProvisionerImage string | (Optional) ObjectProvisionerImage is the container image to run the COSI driver sidecar |
deploymentStrategy COSIDeploymentStrategy | (Optional) DeploymentStrategy is the strategy to use to deploy the COSI driver. |
placement Placement | (Optional) Placement is the placement strategy to use for the COSI driver |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements | (Optional) Resources is the resource requirements for the COSI driver |
(Appears on:CephClient)
CephClientStatus represents the Status of Ceph Client
Field | Description |
phase ConditionType | (Optional) |
info map[string]string | (Optional) |
observedGeneration int64 | (Optional) ObservedGeneration is the latest generation observed by the controller. |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
CephClusterHealthCheckSpec represent the healthcheck for Ceph daemons
Field | Description |
daemonHealth DaemonHealthSpec | (Optional) DaemonHealth is the health check for a given daemon |
livenessProbe map[github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.KeyType]*github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.ProbeSpec | (Optional) LivenessProbe allows changing the livenessProbe configuration for a given daemon |
startupProbe map[github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.KeyType]*github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.ProbeSpec | (Optional) StartupProbe allows changing the startupProbe configuration for a given daemon |
(Appears on:CephStatus)
CephDaemonsVersions show the current ceph version for different ceph daemons
Field | Description |
mon map[string]int | (Optional) Mon shows Mon Ceph version |
mgr map[string]int | (Optional) Mgr shows Mgr Ceph version |
osd map[string]int | (Optional) Osd shows Osd Ceph version |
rgw map[string]int | (Optional) Rgw shows Rgw Ceph version |
mds map[string]int | (Optional) Mds shows Mds Ceph version |
rbd-mirror map[string]int | (Optional) RbdMirror shows RbdMirror Ceph version |
cephfs-mirror map[string]int | (Optional) CephFSMirror shows CephFSMirror Ceph version |
overall map[string]int | (Optional) Overall shows overall Ceph version |
(Appears on:MonitoringSpec)
Field | Description |
perfCountersPrioLimit int64 | Only performance counters greater than or equal to this option are fetched |
statsPeriodSeconds int64 | Time to wait before sending requests again to exporter server (seconds) |
(Appears on:CephFilesystem)
CephFilesystemStatus represents the status of a Ceph Filesystem
Field | Description |
phase ConditionType | (Optional) |
snapshotScheduleStatus FilesystemSnapshotScheduleStatusSpec | (Optional) |
info map[string]string | (Optional) Use only info and put mirroringStatus in it? |
mirroringStatus FilesystemMirroringInfoSpec | (Optional) MirroringStatus is the filesystem mirroring status |
conditions []Condition | |
observedGeneration int64 | (Optional) ObservedGeneration is the latest generation observed by the controller. |
(Appears on:CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroup)
CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroupSpec represents the specification of a Ceph Filesystem SubVolumeGroup
Field | Description |
name string | (Optional) The name of the subvolume group. If not set, the default is the name of the subvolumeGroup CR. |
filesystemName string | FilesystemName is the name of Ceph Filesystem SubVolumeGroup volume name. Typically it’s the name of the CephFilesystem CR. If not coming from the CephFilesystem CR, it can be retrieved from the list of Ceph Filesystem volumes with |
pinning CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroupSpecPinning | (Optional) Pinning configuration of CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroup, reference https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/cephfs/fs-volumes/#pinning-subvolumes-and-subvolume-groups only one out of (export, distributed, random) can be set at a time |
quota k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity | (Optional) Quota size of the Ceph Filesystem subvolume group. |
dataPoolName string | (Optional) The data pool name for the Ceph Filesystem subvolume group layout, if the default CephFS pool is not desired. |
(Appears on:CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroupSpec)
CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroupSpecPinning represents the pinning configuration of SubVolumeGroup
Field | Description |
export int | (Optional) |
distributed int | (Optional) |
random, float64 | (Optional) |
(Appears on:CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroup)
CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroupStatus represents the Status of Ceph Filesystem SubVolumeGroup
Field | Description |
phase ConditionType | (Optional) |
info map[string]string | (Optional) |
observedGeneration int64 | (Optional) ObservedGeneration is the latest generation observed by the controller. |
(Appears on:CephStatus)
CephHealthMessage represents the health message of a Ceph Cluster
Field | Description |
severity string | |
message string |
CephNetworkType (string
CephNetworkType should be “public” or “cluster”. Allow any string so that over-specified legacy clusters do not break on CRD update.
Value | Description |
"cluster" | |
"public" |
(Appears on:ClusterStatus)
CephStatus is the details health of a Ceph Cluster
Field | Description |
health string | |
details map[string]github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.CephHealthMessage | |
lastChecked string | |
lastChanged string | |
previousHealth string | |
capacity Capacity | |
versions CephDaemonsVersions | (Optional) |
fsid string |
(Appears on:ClusterStatus)
CephStorage represents flavors of Ceph Cluster Storage
Field | Description |
deviceClasses []DeviceClasses | |
osd OSDStatus | |
deprecatedOSDs map[string][]int |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
CephVersionSpec represents the settings for the Ceph version that Rook is orchestrating.
Field | Description |
image string | (Optional) Image is the container image used to launch the ceph daemons, such as quay.io/ceph/ceph: |
allowUnsupported bool | (Optional) Whether to allow unsupported versions (do not set to true in production) |
imagePullPolicy Kubernetes core/v1.PullPolicy | (Optional) ImagePullPolicy describes a policy for if/when to pull a container image One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. |
CleanupConfirmationProperty (string
(Appears on:CleanupPolicySpec)
CleanupConfirmationProperty represents the cleanup confirmation
Value | Description |
"yes-really-destroy-data" | DeleteDataDirOnHostsConfirmation represents the validation to destroy dataDirHostPath |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
CleanupPolicySpec represents a Ceph Cluster cleanup policy
Field | Description |
confirmation CleanupConfirmationProperty | (Optional) Confirmation represents the cleanup confirmation |
sanitizeDisks SanitizeDisksSpec | (Optional) SanitizeDisks represents way we sanitize disks |
allowUninstallWithVolumes bool | (Optional) AllowUninstallWithVolumes defines whether we can proceed with the uninstall if they are RBD images still present |
(Appears on:CephClient)
ClientSpec represents the specification of a Ceph Client
Field | Description |
name string | (Optional) |
caps map[string]string |
(Appears on:CephCluster)
ClusterSpec represents the specification of Ceph Cluster
Field | Description |
cephVersion CephVersionSpec | (Optional) The version information that instructs Rook to orchestrate a particular version of Ceph. |
storage StorageScopeSpec | (Optional) A spec for available storage in the cluster and how it should be used |
annotations AnnotationsSpec | (Optional) The annotations-related configuration to add/set on each Pod related object. |
labels LabelsSpec | (Optional) The labels-related configuration to add/set on each Pod related object. |
placement PlacementSpec | (Optional) The placement-related configuration to pass to kubernetes (affinity, node selector, tolerations). |
network NetworkSpec | (Optional) Network related configuration |
resources ResourceSpec | (Optional) Resources set resource requests and limits |
priorityClassNames PriorityClassNamesSpec | (Optional) PriorityClassNames sets priority classes on components |
dataDirHostPath string | (Optional) The path on the host where config and data can be persisted |
skipUpgradeChecks bool | (Optional) SkipUpgradeChecks defines if an upgrade should be forced even if one of the check fails |
continueUpgradeAfterChecksEvenIfNotHealthy bool | (Optional) ContinueUpgradeAfterChecksEvenIfNotHealthy defines if an upgrade should continue even if PGs are not clean |
waitTimeoutForHealthyOSDInMinutes time.Duration | (Optional) WaitTimeoutForHealthyOSDInMinutes defines the time the operator would wait before an OSD can be stopped for upgrade or restart. If the timeout exceeds and OSD is not ok to stop, then the operator would skip upgrade for the current OSD and proceed with the next one if |
upgradeOSDRequiresHealthyPGs bool | (Optional) UpgradeOSDRequiresHealthyPGs defines if OSD upgrade requires PGs are clean. If set to |
disruptionManagement DisruptionManagementSpec | (Optional) A spec for configuring disruption management. |
mon MonSpec | (Optional) A spec for mon related options |
crashCollector CrashCollectorSpec | (Optional) A spec for the crash controller |
dashboard DashboardSpec | (Optional) Dashboard settings |
monitoring MonitoringSpec | (Optional) Prometheus based Monitoring settings |
external ExternalSpec | (Optional) Whether the Ceph Cluster is running external to this Kubernetes cluster mon, mgr, osd, mds, and discover daemons will not be created for external clusters. |
mgr MgrSpec | (Optional) A spec for mgr related options |
removeOSDsIfOutAndSafeToRemove bool | (Optional) Remove the OSD that is out and safe to remove only if this option is true |
cleanupPolicy CleanupPolicySpec | (Optional) Indicates user intent when deleting a cluster; blocks orchestration and should not be set if cluster deletion is not imminent. |
healthCheck CephClusterHealthCheckSpec | (Optional) Internal daemon healthchecks and liveness probe |
security SecuritySpec | (Optional) Security represents security settings |
logCollector LogCollectorSpec | (Optional) Logging represents loggings settings |
csi CSIDriverSpec | (Optional) CSI Driver Options applied per cluster. |
cephConfig map[string]map[string]string | (Optional) Ceph Config options |
ClusterState (string
(Appears on:ClusterStatus)
ClusterState represents the state of a Ceph Cluster
Value | Description |
"Connected" | ClusterStateConnected represents the Connected state of a Ceph Cluster |
"Connecting" | ClusterStateConnecting represents the Connecting state of a Ceph Cluster |
"Created" | ClusterStateCreated represents the Created state of a Ceph Cluster |
"Creating" | ClusterStateCreating represents the Creating state of a Ceph Cluster |
"Error" | ClusterStateError represents the Error state of a Ceph Cluster |
"Updating" | ClusterStateUpdating represents the Updating state of a Ceph Cluster |
(Appears on:CephCluster)
ClusterStatus represents the status of a Ceph cluster
Field | Description |
state ClusterState | |
phase ConditionType | |
message string | |
conditions []Condition | |
ceph CephStatus | |
storage CephStorage | |
version ClusterVersion | |
observedGeneration int64 | (Optional) ObservedGeneration is the latest generation observed by the controller. |
(Appears on:ClusterStatus)
ClusterVersion represents the version of a Ceph Cluster
Field | Description |
image string | |
version string |
(Appears on:ConnectionsSpec)
Field | Description |
enabled bool | (Optional) Whether to compress the data in transit across the wire. The default is not set. |
(Appears on:CephBlockPoolStatus, CephFilesystemStatus, ClusterStatus, ObjectStoreStatus, Status)
Condition represents a status condition on any Rook-Ceph Custom Resource.
Field | Description |
type ConditionType | |
status Kubernetes core/v1.ConditionStatus | |
reason ConditionReason | |
message string | |
lastHeartbeatTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | |
lastTransitionTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time |
ConditionReason (string
(Appears on:Condition)
ConditionReason is a reason for a condition
Value | Description |
"ClusterConnected" | ClusterConnectedReason is cluster connected reason |
"ClusterConnecting" | ClusterConnectingReason is cluster connecting reason |
"ClusterCreated" | ClusterCreatedReason is cluster created reason |
"ClusterDeleting" | ClusterDeletingReason is cluster deleting reason |
"ClusterProgressing" | ClusterProgressingReason is cluster progressing reason |
"Deleting" | DeletingReason represents when Rook has detected a resource object should be deleted. |
"ObjectHasDependents" | ObjectHasDependentsReason represents when a resource object has dependents that are blocking deletion. |
"ObjectHasNoDependents" | ObjectHasNoDependentsReason represents when a resource object has no dependents that are blocking deletion. |
"ReconcileFailed" | ReconcileFailed represents when a resource reconciliation failed. |
"ReconcileStarted" | ReconcileStarted represents when a resource reconciliation started. |
"ReconcileSucceeded" | ReconcileSucceeded represents when a resource reconciliation was successful. |
ConditionType (string
(Appears on:CephBlockPoolRadosNamespaceStatus, CephBlockPoolStatus, CephClientStatus, CephFilesystemStatus, CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroupStatus, ClusterStatus, Condition, ObjectStoreStatus)
ConditionType represent a resource’s status
Value | Description |
"Connected" | ConditionConnected represents Connected state of an object |
"Connecting" | ConditionConnecting represents Connecting state of an object |
"Deleting" | ConditionDeleting represents Deleting state of an object |
"DeletionIsBlocked" | ConditionDeletionIsBlocked represents when deletion of the object is blocked. |
"Failure" | ConditionFailure represents Failure state of an object |
"Progressing" | ConditionProgressing represents Progressing state of an object |
"Ready" | ConditionReady represents Ready state of an object |
(Appears on:AdditionalVolumeMount, KerberosConfigFiles, KerberosKeytabFile, SSSDSidecarConfigFile)
Represents the source of a volume to mount. Only one of its members may be specified. This is a subset of the full Kubernetes API’s VolumeSource that is reduced to what is most likely to be useful for mounting config files/dirs into Rook pods.
Field | Description |
hostPath Kubernetes core/v1.HostPathVolumeSource | (Optional) hostPath represents a pre-existing file or directory on the host machine that is directly exposed to the container. This is generally used for system agents or other privileged things that are allowed to see the host machine. Most containers will NOT need this. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#hostpath |
emptyDir Kubernetes core/v1.EmptyDirVolumeSource | (Optional) emptyDir represents a temporary directory that shares a pod’s lifetime. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#emptydir |
secret Kubernetes core/v1.SecretVolumeSource | (Optional) secret represents a secret that should populate this volume. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#secret |
persistentVolumeClaim Kubernetes core/v1.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource | (Optional) persistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource represents a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#persistentvolumeclaims |
configMap Kubernetes core/v1.ConfigMapVolumeSource | (Optional) configMap represents a configMap that should populate this volume |
projected Kubernetes core/v1.ProjectedVolumeSource | projected items for all in one resources secrets, configmaps, and downward API |
(Appears on:NetworkSpec)
Field | Description |
encryption EncryptionSpec | (Optional) Encryption settings for the network connections. |
compression CompressionSpec | (Optional) Compression settings for the network connections. |
requireMsgr2 bool | (Optional) Whether to require msgr2 (port 3300) even if compression or encryption are not enabled. If true, the msgr1 port (6789) will be disabled. Requires a kernel that supports msgr2 (kernel 5.11 or CentOS 8.4 or newer). |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
CrashCollectorSpec represents options to configure the crash controller
Field | Description |
disable bool | (Optional) Disable determines whether we should enable the crash collector |
daysToRetain uint | (Optional) DaysToRetain represents the number of days to retain crash until they get pruned |
(Appears on:CephClusterHealthCheckSpec)
DaemonHealthSpec is a daemon health check
Field | Description |
status HealthCheckSpec | (Optional) Status represents the health check settings for the Ceph health |
mon HealthCheckSpec | (Optional) Monitor represents the health check settings for the Ceph monitor |
osd HealthCheckSpec | (Optional) ObjectStorageDaemon represents the health check settings for the Ceph OSDs |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
DashboardSpec represents the settings for the Ceph dashboard
Field | Description |
enabled bool | (Optional) Enabled determines whether to enable the dashboard |
urlPrefix string | (Optional) URLPrefix is a prefix for all URLs to use the dashboard with a reverse proxy |
port int | (Optional) Port is the dashboard webserver port |
ssl bool | (Optional) SSL determines whether SSL should be used |
prometheusEndpoint string | (Optional) Endpoint for the Prometheus host |
prometheusEndpointSSLVerify bool | (Optional) Whether to verify the ssl endpoint for prometheus. Set to false for a self-signed cert. |
(Appears on:Selection)
Device represents a disk to use in the cluster
Field | Description |
name string | (Optional) |
fullpath string | (Optional) |
config map[string]string | (Optional) |
(Appears on:CephStorage)
DeviceClasses represents device classes of a Ceph Cluster
Field | Description |
name string |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
DisruptionManagementSpec configures management of daemon disruptions
Field | Description |
managePodBudgets bool | (Optional) This enables management of poddisruptionbudgets |
osdMaintenanceTimeout time.Duration | (Optional) OSDMaintenanceTimeout sets how many additional minutes the DOWN/OUT interval is for drained failure domains it only works if managePodBudgets is true. the default is 30 minutes |
pgHealthCheckTimeout time.Duration | (Optional) PGHealthCheckTimeout is the time (in minutes) that the operator will wait for the placement groups to become healthy (active+clean) after a drain was completed and OSDs came back up. Rook will continue with the next drain if the timeout exceeds. It only works if managePodBudgets is true. No values or 0 means that the operator will wait until the placement groups are healthy before unblocking the next drain. |
pgHealthyRegex string | (Optional) PgHealthyRegex is the regular expression that is used to determine which PG states should be considered healthy. The default is |
manageMachineDisruptionBudgets bool | (Optional) Deprecated. This enables management of machinedisruptionbudgets. |
machineDisruptionBudgetNamespace string | (Optional) Deprecated. Namespace to look for MDBs by the machineDisruptionBudgetController |
(Appears on:ConnectionsSpec)
Field | Description |
enabled bool | (Optional) Whether to encrypt the data in transit across the wire to prevent eavesdropping the data on the network. The default is not set. Even if encryption is not enabled, clients still establish a strong initial authentication for the connection and data integrity is still validated with a crc check. When encryption is enabled, all communication between clients and Ceph daemons, or between Ceph daemons will be encrypted. |
(Appears on:GatewaySpec)
EndpointAddress is a tuple that describes a single IP address or host name. This is a subset of Kubernetes’s v1.EndpointAddress.
Field | Description |
ip string | (Optional) The IP of this endpoint. As a legacy behavior, this supports being given a DNS-addressable hostname as well. |
hostname string | (Optional) The DNS-addressable Hostname of this endpoint. This field will be preferred over IP if both are given. |
(Appears on:PoolSpec)
ErasureCodedSpec represents the spec for erasure code in a pool
Field | Description |
codingChunks uint | Number of coding chunks per object in an erasure coded storage pool (required for erasure-coded pool type). This is the number of OSDs that can be lost simultaneously before data cannot be recovered. |
dataChunks uint | Number of data chunks per object in an erasure coded storage pool (required for erasure-coded pool type). The number of chunks required to recover an object when any single OSD is lost is the same as dataChunks so be aware that the larger the number of data chunks, the higher the cost of recovery. |
algorithm string | (Optional) The algorithm for erasure coding |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
ExternalSpec represents the options supported by an external cluster
Field | Description |
enable bool | (Optional) Enable determines whether external mode is enabled or not |
(Appears on:FilesystemSpec)
FSMirroringSpec represents the setting for a mirrored filesystem
Field | Description |
enabled bool | (Optional) Enabled whether this filesystem is mirrored or not |
peers MirroringPeerSpec | (Optional) Peers represents the peers spec |
snapshotSchedules []SnapshotScheduleSpec | (Optional) SnapshotSchedules is the scheduling of snapshot for mirrored filesystems |
snapshotRetention []SnapshotScheduleRetentionSpec | (Optional) Retention is the retention policy for a snapshot schedule One path has exactly one retention policy. A policy can however contain multiple count-time period pairs in order to specify complex retention policies |
(Appears on:FilesystemsSpec)
FilesystemMirrorInfoPeerSpec is the specification of a filesystem peer mirror
Field | Description |
uuid string | (Optional) UUID is the peer unique identifier |
remote PeerRemoteSpec | (Optional) Remote are the remote cluster information |
stats PeerStatSpec | (Optional) Stats are the stat a peer mirror |
(Appears on:FilesystemMirroringInfoSpec)
FilesystemMirrorInfoSpec is the filesystem mirror status of a given filesystem
Field | Description |
daemon_id int | (Optional) DaemonID is the cephfs-mirror name |
filesystems []FilesystemsSpec | (Optional) Filesystems is the list of filesystems managed by a given cephfs-mirror daemon |
(Appears on:CephFilesystemStatus)
FilesystemMirroringInfo is the status of the pool mirroring
Field | Description |
daemonsStatus []FilesystemMirroringInfo | (Optional) PoolMirroringStatus is the mirroring status of a filesystem |
lastChecked string | (Optional) LastChecked is the last time time the status was checked |
lastChanged string | (Optional) LastChanged is the last time time the status last changed |
details string | (Optional) Details contains potential status errors |
(Appears on:CephFilesystemMirror)
FilesystemMirroringSpec is the filesystem mirroring specification
Field | Description |
placement Placement | (Optional) The affinity to place the rgw pods (default is to place on any available node) |
annotations Annotations | (Optional) The annotations-related configuration to add/set on each Pod related object. |
labels Labels | (Optional) The labels-related configuration to add/set on each Pod related object. |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements | (Optional) The resource requirements for the cephfs-mirror pods |
priorityClassName string | (Optional) PriorityClassName sets priority class on the cephfs-mirror pods |
(Appears on:FilesystemSnapshotSchedulesSpec)
FilesystemSnapshotScheduleStatusRetention is the retention specification for a filesystem snapshot schedule
Field | Description |
start string | (Optional) Start is when the snapshot schedule starts |
created string | (Optional) Created is when the snapshot schedule was created |
first string | (Optional) First is when the first snapshot schedule was taken |
last string | (Optional) Last is when the last snapshot schedule was taken |
last_pruned string | (Optional) LastPruned is when the last snapshot schedule was pruned |
created_count int | (Optional) CreatedCount is total amount of snapshots |
pruned_count int | (Optional) PrunedCount is total amount of pruned snapshots |
active bool | (Optional) Active is whether the scheduled is active or not |
(Appears on:CephFilesystemStatus)
FilesystemSnapshotScheduleStatusSpec is the status of the snapshot schedule
Field | Description |
snapshotSchedules []FilesystemSnapshotSchedulesSpec | (Optional) SnapshotSchedules is the list of snapshots scheduled |
lastChecked string | (Optional) LastChecked is the last time time the status was checked |
lastChanged string | (Optional) LastChanged is the last time time the status last changed |
details string | (Optional) Details contains potential status errors |
(Appears on:FilesystemSnapshotScheduleStatusSpec)
FilesystemSnapshotSchedulesSpec is the list of snapshot scheduled for images in a pool
Field | Description |
fs string | (Optional) Fs is the name of the Ceph Filesystem |
subvol string | (Optional) Subvol is the name of the sub volume |
path string | (Optional) Path is the path on the filesystem |
rel_path string | (Optional) |
schedule string | (Optional) |
retention FilesystemSnapshotScheduleStatusRetention | (Optional) |
(Appears on:CephFilesystem)
FilesystemSpec represents the spec of a file system
Field | Description |
metadataPool NamedPoolSpec | The metadata pool settings |
dataPools []NamedPoolSpec | The data pool settings, with optional predefined pool name. |
preservePoolNames bool | (Optional) Preserve pool names as specified |
preservePoolsOnDelete bool | (Optional) Preserve pools on filesystem deletion |
preserveFilesystemOnDelete bool | (Optional) Preserve the fs in the cluster on CephFilesystem CR deletion. Setting this to true automatically implies PreservePoolsOnDelete is true. |
metadataServer MetadataServerSpec | The mds pod info |
mirroring FSMirroringSpec | (Optional) The mirroring settings |
statusCheck MirrorHealthCheckSpec | The mirroring statusCheck |
(Appears on:FilesystemMirroringInfo)
FilesystemsSpec is spec for the mirrored filesystem
Field | Description |
filesystem_id int | (Optional) FilesystemID is the filesystem identifier |
name string | (Optional) Name is name of the filesystem |
directory_count int | (Optional) DirectoryCount is the number of directories in the filesystem |
peers []FilesystemMirrorInfoPeerSpec | (Optional) Peers represents the mirroring peers |
(Appears on:NFSGaneshaSpec)
GaneshaRADOSSpec represents the specification of a Ganesha RADOS object
Field | Description |
pool string | (Optional) The Ceph pool used store the shared configuration for NFS-Ganesha daemons. This setting is deprecated, as it is internally required to be “.nfs”. |
namespace string | (Optional) The namespace inside the Ceph pool (set by ‘pool’) where shared NFS-Ganesha config is stored. This setting is deprecated as it is internally set to the name of the CephNFS. |
(Appears on:NFSGaneshaSpec)
GaneshaServerSpec represents the specification of a Ganesha Server
Field | Description |
active int | The number of active Ganesha servers |
placement Placement | (Optional) The affinity to place the ganesha pods |
annotations Annotations | (Optional) The annotations-related configuration to add/set on each Pod related object. |
labels Labels | (Optional) The labels-related configuration to add/set on each Pod related object. |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements | (Optional) Resources set resource requests and limits |
priorityClassName string | (Optional) PriorityClassName sets the priority class on the pods |
logLevel string | (Optional) LogLevel set logging level |
hostNetwork bool | (Optional) Whether host networking is enabled for the Ganesha server. If not set, the network settings from the cluster CR will be applied. |
livenessProbe ProbeSpec | (Optional) A liveness-probe to verify that Ganesha server has valid run-time state. If LivenessProbe.Disabled is false and LivenessProbe.Probe is nil uses default probe. |
(Appears on:ObjectStoreSpec)
GatewaySpec represents the specification of Ceph Object Store Gateway
Field | Description |
port int32 | (Optional) The port the rgw service will be listening on (http) |
securePort int32 | (Optional) The port the rgw service will be listening on (https) |
instances int32 | (Optional) The number of pods in the rgw replicaset. |
sslCertificateRef string | (Optional) The name of the secret that stores the ssl certificate for secure rgw connections |
caBundleRef string | (Optional) The name of the secret that stores custom ca-bundle with root and intermediate certificates. |
placement Placement | (Optional) The affinity to place the rgw pods (default is to place on any available node) |
disableMultisiteSyncTraffic bool | (Optional) DisableMultisiteSyncTraffic, when true, prevents this object store’s gateways from transmitting multisite replication data. Note that this value does not affect whether gateways receive multisite replication traffic: see ObjectZone.spec.customEndpoints for that. If false or unset, this object store’s gateways will be able to transmit multisite replication data. |
annotations Annotations | (Optional) The annotations-related configuration to add/set on each Pod related object. |
labels Labels | (Optional) The labels-related configuration to add/set on each Pod related object. |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements | (Optional) The resource requirements for the rgw pods |
priorityClassName string | (Optional) PriorityClassName sets priority classes on the rgw pods |
externalRgwEndpoints []EndpointAddress | (Optional) ExternalRgwEndpoints points to external RGW endpoint(s). Multiple endpoints can be given, but for stability of ObjectBucketClaims, we highly recommend that users give only a single external RGW endpoint that is a load balancer that sends requests to the multiple RGWs. |
service RGWServiceSpec | (Optional) The configuration related to add/set on each rgw service. |
opsLogSidecar OpsLogSidecar | (Optional) Enable enhanced operation Logs for S3 in a sidecar named ops-log |
hostNetwork bool | (Optional) Whether host networking is enabled for the rgw daemon. If not set, the network settings from the cluster CR will be applied. |
dashboardEnabled bool | (Optional) Whether rgw dashboard is enabled for the rgw daemon. If not set, the rgw dashboard will be enabled. |
additionalVolumeMounts AdditionalVolumeMounts | AdditionalVolumeMounts allows additional volumes to be mounted to the RGW pod. The root directory for each additional volume mount is |
rgwConfig map[string]string | (Optional) RgwConfig sets Ceph RGW config values for the gateway clients that serve this object store. Values are modified at runtime without RGW restart. This feature is intended for advanced users. It allows breaking configurations to be easily applied. Use with caution. |
rgwConfigFromSecret map[string]k8s.io/api/core/v1.SecretKeySelector | (Optional) RgwConfigFromSecret works exactly like RgwConfig but takes config value from Secret Key reference. Values are modified at runtime without RGW restart. This feature is intended for advanced users. It allows breaking configurations to be easily applied. Use with caution. |
rgwCommandFlags map[string]string | (Optional) RgwCommandFlags sets Ceph RGW config values for the gateway clients that serve this object store. Values are modified at RGW startup, resulting in RGW pod restarts. This feature is intended for advanced users. It allows breaking configurations to be easily applied. Use with caution. |
(Appears on:TopicEndpointSpec)
HTTPEndpointSpec represent the spec of an HTTP endpoint of a Bucket Topic
Field | Description |
uri string | The URI of the HTTP endpoint to push notification to |
disableVerifySSL bool | (Optional) Indicate whether the server certificate is validated by the client or not |
sendCloudEvents bool | (Optional) Send the notifications with the CloudEvents header: https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/main/cloudevents/adapters/aws-s3.md |
(Appears on:DaemonHealthSpec, MirrorHealthCheckSpec)
HealthCheckSpec represents the health check of an object store bucket
Field | Description |
disabled bool | (Optional) |
interval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | (Optional) Interval is the internal in second or minute for the health check to run like 60s for 60 seconds |
timeout string | (Optional) |
(Appears on:ReplicatedSpec)
HybridStorageSpec represents the settings for hybrid storage pool
Field | Description |
primaryDeviceClass string | PrimaryDeviceClass represents high performance tier (for example SSD or NVME) for Primary OSD |
secondaryDeviceClass string | SecondaryDeviceClass represents low performance tier (for example HDDs) for remaining OSDs |
IPFamilyType (string
(Appears on:NetworkSpec)
IPFamilyType represents the single stack Ipv4 or Ipv6 protocol.
Value | Description |
"IPv4" | IPv4 internet protocol version |
"IPv6" | IPv6 internet protocol version |
ImplicitTenantSetting (string
(Appears on:KeystoneSpec)
Value | Description |
"" | |
"false" | |
"s3" | |
"swift" | |
"true" |
(Appears on:TopicEndpointSpec)
KafkaEndpointSpec represent the spec of a Kafka endpoint of a Bucket Topic
Field | Description |
uri string | The URI of the Kafka endpoint to push notification to |
useSSL bool | (Optional) Indicate whether to use SSL when communicating with the broker |
disableVerifySSL bool | (Optional) Indicate whether the server certificate is validated by the client or not |
ackLevel string | (Optional) The ack level required for this topic (none/broker) |
(Appears on:KerberosSpec)
KerberosConfigFiles represents the source(s) from which Kerberos configuration should come.
Field | Description |
volumeSource ConfigFileVolumeSource | VolumeSource accepts a pared down version of the standard Kubernetes VolumeSource for Kerberos configuration files like what is normally used to configure Volumes for a Pod. For example, a ConfigMap, Secret, or HostPath. The volume may contain multiple files, all of which will be loaded. |
(Appears on:KerberosSpec)
KerberosKeytabFile represents the source(s) from which the Kerberos keytab file should come.
Field | Description |
volumeSource ConfigFileVolumeSource | VolumeSource accepts a pared down version of the standard Kubernetes VolumeSource for the Kerberos keytab file like what is normally used to configure Volumes for a Pod. For example, a Secret or HostPath. There are two requirements for the source’s content: 1. The config file must be mountable via |
(Appears on:NFSSecuritySpec)
KerberosSpec represents configuration for Kerberos.
Field | Description |
principalName string | (Optional) PrincipalName corresponds directly to NFS-Ganesha’s NFS_KRB5:PrincipalName config. In practice, this is the service prefix of the principal name. The default is “nfs”. This value is combined with (a) the namespace and name of the CephNFS (with a hyphen between) and (b) the Realm configured in the user-provided krb5.conf to determine the full principal name: |
domainName string | (Optional) DomainName should be set to the Kerberos Realm. |
configFiles KerberosConfigFiles | (Optional) ConfigFiles defines where the Kerberos configuration should be sourced from. Config files will be placed into the If this is left empty, Rook will not add any files. This allows you to manage the files yourself however you wish. For example, you may build them into your custom Ceph container image or use the Vault agent injector to securely add the files via annotations on the CephNFS spec (passed to the NFS server pods). Rook configures Kerberos to log to stderr. We suggest removing logging sections from config files to avoid consuming unnecessary disk space from logging to files. |
keytabFile KerberosKeytabFile | (Optional) KeytabFile defines where the Kerberos keytab should be sourced from. The keytab file will be placed into |
(Appears on:ObjectStoreSecuritySpec, SecuritySpec)
KeyManagementServiceSpec represent various details of the KMS server
Field | Description |
connectionDetails map[string]string | (Optional) ConnectionDetails contains the KMS connection details (address, port etc) |
tokenSecretName string | (Optional) TokenSecretName is the kubernetes secret containing the KMS token |
(Appears on:SecuritySpec)
KeyRotationSpec represents the settings for Key Rotation.
Field | Description |
enabled bool | (Optional) Enabled represents whether the key rotation is enabled. |
schedule string | (Optional) Schedule represents the cron schedule for key rotation. |
KeyType (string
KeyType type safety
Value | Description |
"exporter" | |
"cleanup" | |
"clusterMetadata" | |
"cmdreporter" | |
"crashcollector" | |
"dashboard" | |
"mds" | |
"mgr" | |
"mon" | |
"arbiter" | |
"monitoring" | |
"osd" | |
"prepareosd" | |
"rgw" | |
"keyrotation" |
(Appears on:AuthSpec)
KeystoneSpec represents the Keystone authentication configuration of a Ceph Object Store Gateway
Field | Description |
url string | The URL for the Keystone server. |
serviceUserSecretName string | The name of the secret containing the credentials for the service user account used by RGW. It has to be in the same namespace as the object store resource. |
acceptedRoles []string | The roles requires to serve requests. |
implicitTenants ImplicitTenantSetting | (Optional) Create new users in their own tenants of the same name. Possible values are true, false, swift and s3. The latter have the effect of splitting the identity space such that only the indicated protocol will use implicit tenants. |
tokenCacheSize int | (Optional) The maximum number of entries in each Keystone token cache. |
revocationInterval int | (Optional) The number of seconds between token revocation checks. |
Labels (map[string]string
(Appears on:FilesystemMirroringSpec, GaneshaServerSpec, GatewaySpec, MetadataServerSpec, RBDMirroringSpec)
Labels are label for a given daemons
LabelsSpec (map[github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.KeyType]github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.Labels
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
LabelsSpec is the main spec label for all daemons
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
LogCollectorSpec is the logging spec
Field | Description |
enabled bool | (Optional) Enabled represents whether the log collector is enabled |
periodicity string | (Optional) Periodicity is the periodicity of the log rotation. |
maxLogSize k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity | (Optional) MaxLogSize is the maximum size of the log per ceph daemons. Must be at least 1M. |
(Appears on:FilesystemSpec)
MetadataServerSpec represents the specification of a Ceph Metadata Server
Field | Description |
activeCount int32 | The number of metadata servers that are active. The remaining servers in the cluster will be in standby mode. |
activeStandby bool | (Optional) Whether each active MDS instance will have an active standby with a warm metadata cache for faster failover. If false, standbys will still be available, but will not have a warm metadata cache. |
placement Placement | (Optional) The affinity to place the mds pods (default is to place on all available node) with a daemonset |
annotations Annotations | (Optional) The annotations-related configuration to add/set on each Pod related object. |
labels Labels | (Optional) The labels-related configuration to add/set on each Pod related object. |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements | (Optional) The resource requirements for the mds pods |
priorityClassName string | (Optional) PriorityClassName sets priority classes on components |
livenessProbe ProbeSpec | (Optional) |
startupProbe ProbeSpec | (Optional) |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
MgrSpec represents options to configure a ceph mgr
Field | Description |
count int | (Optional) Count is the number of manager daemons to run |
allowMultiplePerNode bool | (Optional) AllowMultiplePerNode allows to run multiple managers on the same node (not recommended) |
modules []Module | (Optional) Modules is the list of ceph manager modules to enable/disable |
(Appears on:StorageScopeSpec)
Migration handles the OSD migration
Field | Description |
confirmation string | (Optional) A user confirmation to migrate the OSDs. It destroys each OSD one at a time, cleans up the backing disk and prepares OSD with same ID on that disk |
(Appears on:OSDStatus)
MigrationStatus status represents the current status of any OSD migration.
Field | Description |
pending int |
(Appears on:FilesystemSpec, PoolSpec)
MirrorHealthCheckSpec represents the health specification of a Ceph Storage Pool mirror
Field | Description |
mirror HealthCheckSpec | (Optional) |
(Appears on:MirroringInfoSpec)
MirroringInfo is the mirroring info of a given pool/radosnamespace
Field | Description |
mode string | (Optional) Mode is the mirroring mode |
site_name string | (Optional) SiteName is the current site name |
peers []PeersSpec | (Optional) Peers are the list of peer sites connected to that cluster |
(Appears on:CephBlockPoolRadosNamespaceStatus, CephBlockPoolStatus)
MirroringInfoSpec is the status of the pool/radosnamespace mirroring
Field | Description |
MirroringInfo MirroringInfo | (Members of |
lastChecked string | (Optional) |
lastChanged string | (Optional) |
details string | (Optional) |
(Appears on:FSMirroringSpec, MirroringSpec, RBDMirroringSpec)
MirroringPeerSpec represents the specification of a mirror peer
Field | Description |
secretNames []string | (Optional) SecretNames represents the Kubernetes Secret names to add rbd-mirror or cephfs-mirror peers |
(Appears on:PoolSpec)
MirroringSpec represents the setting for a mirrored pool
Field | Description |
enabled bool | (Optional) Enabled whether this pool is mirrored or not |
mode string | (Optional) Mode is the mirroring mode: either pool or image |
snapshotSchedules []SnapshotScheduleSpec | (Optional) SnapshotSchedules is the scheduling of snapshot for mirrored images/pools |
peers MirroringPeerSpec | (Optional) Peers represents the peers spec |
(Appears on:MirroringStatusSpec)
MirroringStatus is the pool/radosNamespace mirror status
Field | Description |
summary MirroringStatusSummarySpec | (Optional) Summary is the mirroring status summary |
(Appears on:CephBlockPoolRadosNamespaceStatus, CephBlockPoolStatus)
MirroringStatusSpec is the status of the pool/radosNamespace mirroring
Field | Description |
MirroringStatus MirroringStatus | (Members of MirroringStatus is the mirroring status of a pool/radosNamespace |
lastChecked string | (Optional) LastChecked is the last time time the status was checked |
lastChanged string | (Optional) LastChanged is the last time time the status last changed |
details string | (Optional) Details contains potential status errors |
(Appears on:MirroringStatus)
MirroringStatusSummarySpec is the summary output of the command
Field | Description |
health string | (Optional) Health is the mirroring health |
daemon_health string | (Optional) DaemonHealth is the health of the mirroring daemon |
image_health string | (Optional) ImageHealth is the health of the mirrored image |
states StatesSpec | (Optional) States is the various state for all mirrored images |
(Appears on:MgrSpec)
Module represents mgr modules that the user wants to enable or disable
Field | Description |
name string | (Optional) Name is the name of the ceph manager module |
enabled bool | (Optional) Enabled determines whether a module should be enabled or not |
settings ModuleSettings | Settings to further configure the module |
(Appears on:Module)
Field | Description |
balancerMode string | BalancerMode sets the |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
MonSpec represents the specification of the monitor
Field | Description |
count int | (Optional) Count is the number of Ceph monitors |
allowMultiplePerNode bool | (Optional) AllowMultiplePerNode determines if we can run multiple monitors on the same node (not recommended) |
failureDomainLabel string | (Optional) |
zones []MonZoneSpec | (Optional) Zones are specified when we want to provide zonal awareness to mons |
stretchCluster StretchClusterSpec | (Optional) StretchCluster is the stretch cluster specification |
volumeClaimTemplate VolumeClaimTemplate | (Optional) VolumeClaimTemplate is the PVC definition |
externalMonIDs []string | (Optional) ExternalMonIDs - optional list of monitor IDs which are deployed externally and not managed by Rook. If set, Rook will not remove mons with given IDs from quorum. This parameter is used only for local Rook cluster running in normal mode and will be ignored if external or stretched mode is used. leading |
(Appears on:MonSpec, StretchClusterSpec)
MonZoneSpec represents the specification of a zone in a Ceph Cluster
Field | Description |
name string | (Optional) Name is the name of the zone |
arbiter bool | (Optional) Arbiter determines if the zone contains the arbiter used for stretch cluster mode |
volumeClaimTemplate VolumeClaimTemplate | (Optional) VolumeClaimTemplate is the PVC template |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
MonitoringSpec represents the settings for Prometheus based Ceph monitoring
Field | Description |
enabled bool | (Optional) Enabled determines whether to create the prometheus rules for the ceph cluster. If true, the prometheus types must exist or the creation will fail. Default is false. |
metricsDisabled bool | (Optional) Whether to disable the metrics reported by Ceph. If false, the prometheus mgr module and Ceph exporter are enabled. If true, the prometheus mgr module and Ceph exporter are both disabled. Default is false. |
externalMgrEndpoints []Kubernetes core/v1.EndpointAddress | (Optional) ExternalMgrEndpoints points to an existing Ceph prometheus exporter endpoint |
externalMgrPrometheusPort uint16 | (Optional) ExternalMgrPrometheusPort Prometheus exporter port |
port int | (Optional) Port is the prometheus server port |
interval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | (Optional) Interval determines prometheus scrape interval |
exporter CephExporterSpec | (Optional) Ceph exporter configuration |
(Appears on:NetworkSpec)
Field | Description |
enabled bool | (Optional) Enable multiClusterService to export the mon and OSD services to peer cluster. Ensure that peer clusters are connected using an MCS API compatible application, like Globalnet Submariner. |
clusterID string | ClusterID uniquely identifies a cluster. It is used as a prefix to nslookup exported services. For example: |
(Appears on:CephNFS)
NFSGaneshaSpec represents the spec of an nfs ganesha server
Field | Description |
rados GaneshaRADOSSpec | (Optional) RADOS is the Ganesha RADOS specification |
server GaneshaServerSpec | Server is the Ganesha Server specification |
security NFSSecuritySpec | (Optional) Security allows specifying security configurations for the NFS cluster |
(Appears on:NFSGaneshaSpec)
NFSSecuritySpec represents security configurations for an NFS server pod
Field | Description |
sssd SSSDSpec | (Optional) SSSD enables integration with System Security Services Daemon (SSSD). SSSD can be used to provide user ID mapping from a number of sources. See https://sssd.io for more information about the SSSD project. |
kerberos KerberosSpec | (Optional) Kerberos configures NFS-Ganesha to secure NFS client connections with Kerberos. |
(Appears on:CephBlockPool)
NamedBlockPoolSpec allows a block pool to be created with a non-default name. This is more specific than the NamedPoolSpec so we get schema validation on the allowed pool names that can be specified.
Field | Description |
name string | (Optional) The desired name of the pool if different from the CephBlockPool CR name. |
PoolSpec PoolSpec | (Members of The core pool configuration |
(Appears on:FilesystemSpec)
NamedPoolSpec represents the named ceph pool spec
Field | Description |
name string | Name of the pool |
PoolSpec PoolSpec | (Members of PoolSpec represents the spec of ceph pool |
NetworkProviderType (string
(Appears on:NetworkSpec)
NetworkProviderType defines valid network providers for Rook.
Value | Description |
"" | |
"host" | |
"multus" |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
NetworkSpec for Ceph includes backward compatibility code
Field | Description |
provider NetworkProviderType | (Optional) Provider is what provides network connectivity to the cluster e.g. “host” or “multus”. If the Provider is updated from being empty to “host” on a running cluster, then the operator will automatically fail over all the mons to apply the “host” network settings. |
selectors map[github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.CephNetworkType]string | (Optional) Selectors define NetworkAttachmentDefinitions to be used for Ceph public and/or cluster networks when the “multus” network provider is used. This config section is not used for other network providers. Valid keys are “public” and “cluster”. Refer to Ceph networking documentation for more: https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/rados/configuration/network-config-ref/ Refer to Multus network annotation documentation for help selecting values: https://github.com/k8snetworkplumbingwg/multus-cni/blob/master/docs/how-to-use.md#run-pod-with-network-annotation Rook will make a best-effort attempt to automatically detect CIDR address ranges for given network attachment definitions. Rook’s methods are robust but may be imprecise for sufficiently complicated networks. Rook’s auto-detection process obtains a new IP address lease for each CephCluster reconcile. If Rook fails to detect, incorrectly detects, only partially detects, or if underlying networks do not support reusing old IP addresses, it is best to use the ‘addressRanges’ config section to specify CIDR ranges for the Ceph cluster. As a contrived example, one can use a theoretical Kubernetes-wide network for Ceph client traffic and a theoretical Rook-only network for Ceph replication traffic as shown: selectors: public: “default/cluster-fast-net” cluster: “rook-ceph/ceph-backend-net” |
addressRanges AddressRangesSpec | (Optional) AddressRanges specify a list of CIDRs that Rook will apply to Ceph’s ‘public_network’ and/or ‘cluster_network’ configurations. This config section may be used for the “host” or “multus” network providers. |
connections ConnectionsSpec | (Optional) Settings for network connections such as compression and encryption across the wire. |
hostNetwork bool | (Optional) HostNetwork to enable host network. If host networking is enabled or disabled on a running cluster, then the operator will automatically fail over all the mons to apply the new network settings. |
ipFamily IPFamilyType | (Optional) IPFamily is the single stack IPv6 or IPv4 protocol |
dualStack bool | (Optional) DualStack determines whether Ceph daemons should listen on both IPv4 and IPv6 |
multiClusterService MultiClusterServiceSpec | (Optional) Enable multiClusterService to export the Services between peer clusters |
(Appears on:StorageScopeSpec)
Node is a storage nodes
Field | Description |
name string | (Optional) |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements | (Optional) |
config map[string]string | (Optional) |
Selection Selection | (Members of |
NodesByName ([]github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.Node
NodesByName implements an interface to sort nodes by name
(Appears on:NotificationFilterSpec)
NotificationFilterRule represent a single rule in the Notification Filter spec
Field | Description |
name string | Name of the metadata or tag |
value string | Value to filter on |
(Appears on:BucketNotificationSpec)
NotificationFilterSpec represent the spec of a Bucket Notification filter
Field | Description |
keyFilters []NotificationKeyFilterRule | (Optional) Filters based on the object’s key |
metadataFilters []NotificationFilterRule | (Optional) Filters based on the object’s metadata |
tagFilters []NotificationFilterRule | (Optional) Filters based on the object’s tags |
(Appears on:NotificationFilterSpec)
NotificationKeyFilterRule represent a single key rule in the Notification Filter spec
Field | Description |
name string | Name of the filter - prefix/suffix/regex |
value string | Value to filter on |
(Appears on:CephStorage)
OSDStatus represents OSD status of the ceph Cluster
Field | Description |
storeType map[string]int | StoreType is a mapping between the OSD backend stores and number of OSDs using these stores |
migrationStatus MigrationStatus |
(Appears on:StorageScopeSpec)
OSDStore is the backend storage type used for creating the OSDs
Field | Description |
type string | (Optional) Type of backend storage to be used while creating OSDs. If empty, then bluestore will be used |
updateStore string | (Optional) UpdateStore updates the backend store for existing OSDs. It destroys each OSD one at a time, cleans up the backing disk and prepares same OSD on that disk |
(Appears on:ObjectStoreHostingSpec)
ObjectEndpointSpec represents an object store endpoint
Field | Description |
dnsName string | DnsName is the DNS name (in RFC-1123 format) of the endpoint. If the DNS name corresponds to an endpoint with DNS wildcard support, do not include the wildcard itself in the list of hostnames. E.g., use “mystore.example.com” instead of “*.mystore.example.com”. |
port int32 | Port is the port on which S3 connections can be made for this endpoint. |
useTls bool | UseTls defines whether the endpoint uses TLS (HTTPS) or not (HTTP). |
(Appears on:ObjectStoreStatus)
Field | Description |
insecure []string | (Optional) |
secure []string | (Optional) |
(Appears on:ObjectStoreSpec)
ObjectHealthCheckSpec represents the health check of an object store
Field | Description |
readinessProbe ProbeSpec | (Optional) |
startupProbe ProbeSpec | (Optional) |
(Appears on:CephObjectRealm)
ObjectRealmSpec represent the spec of an ObjectRealm
Field | Description |
pull PullSpec |
(Appears on:ObjectStoreSpec, ObjectZoneSpec)
ObjectSharedPoolsSpec represents object store pool info when configuring RADOS namespaces in existing pools.
Field | Description |
metadataPoolName string | (Optional) The metadata pool used for creating RADOS namespaces in the object store |
dataPoolName string | (Optional) The data pool used for creating RADOS namespaces in the object store |
preserveRadosNamespaceDataOnDelete bool | (Optional) Whether the RADOS namespaces should be preserved on deletion of the object store |
poolPlacements []PoolPlacementSpec | (Optional) PoolPlacements control which Pools are associated with a particular RGW bucket. Once PoolPlacements are defined, RGW client will be able to associate pool with ObjectStore bucket by providing “ |
ObjectStoreAPI (string
(Appears on:ProtocolSpec)
(Appears on:ObjectStoreSpec)
ObjectStoreHostingSpec represents the hosting settings for the object store
Field | Description |
advertiseEndpoint ObjectEndpointSpec | (Optional) AdvertiseEndpoint is the default endpoint Rook will return for resources dependent on this object store. This endpoint will be returned to CephObjectStoreUsers, Object Bucket Claims, and COSI Buckets/Accesses. By default, Rook returns the endpoint for the object store’s Kubernetes service using HTTPS with |
dnsNames []string | (Optional) A list of DNS host names on which object store gateways will accept client S3 connections. When specified, object store gateways will reject client S3 connections to hostnames that are not present in this list, so include all endpoints. The object store’s advertiseEndpoint and Kubernetes service endpoint, plus CephObjectZone |
(Appears on:ObjectStoreSpec)
ObjectStoreSecuritySpec is spec to define security features like encryption
Field | Description |
SecuritySpec SecuritySpec | (Optional) |
s3 KeyManagementServiceSpec | (Optional) The settings for supporting AWS-SSE:S3 with RGW |
(Appears on:CephObjectStore)
ObjectStoreSpec represent the spec of a pool
Field | Description |
metadataPool PoolSpec | (Optional) The metadata pool settings |
dataPool PoolSpec | (Optional) The data pool settings |
sharedPools ObjectSharedPoolsSpec | (Optional) The pool information when configuring RADOS namespaces in existing pools. |
preservePoolsOnDelete bool | (Optional) Preserve pools on object store deletion |
gateway GatewaySpec | (Optional) The rgw pod info |
protocols ProtocolSpec | (Optional) The protocol specification |
auth AuthSpec | (Optional) The authentication configuration |
zone ZoneSpec | (Optional) The multisite info |
healthCheck ObjectHealthCheckSpec | (Optional) The RGW health probes |
security ObjectStoreSecuritySpec | (Optional) Security represents security settings |
allowUsersInNamespaces []string | (Optional) The list of allowed namespaces in addition to the object store namespace where ceph object store users may be created. Specify “*” to allow all namespaces, otherwise list individual namespaces that are to be allowed. This is useful for applications that need object store credentials to be created in their own namespace, where neither OBCs nor COSI is being used to create buckets. The default is empty. |
hosting ObjectStoreHostingSpec | (Optional) Hosting settings for the object store. A common use case for hosting configuration is to inform Rook of endpoints that support DNS wildcards, which in turn allows virtual host-style bucket addressing. |
(Appears on:CephObjectStore)
ObjectStoreStatus represents the status of a Ceph Object Store resource
Field | Description |
phase ConditionType | (Optional) |
message string | (Optional) |
endpoints ObjectEndpoints | (Optional) |
info map[string]string | (Optional) |
conditions []Condition | |
observedGeneration int64 | (Optional) ObservedGeneration is the latest generation observed by the controller. |
(Appears on:CephObjectStoreUser)
ObjectStoreUserSpec represent the spec of an Objectstoreuser
Field | Description |
store string | (Optional) The store the user will be created in |
displayName string | (Optional) The display name for the ceph users |
capabilities ObjectUserCapSpec | (Optional) |
quotas ObjectUserQuotaSpec | (Optional) |
clusterNamespace string | (Optional) The namespace where the parent CephCluster and CephObjectStore are found |
(Appears on:CephObjectStoreUser)
ObjectStoreUserStatus represents the status Ceph Object Store Gateway User
Field | Description |
phase string | (Optional) |
info map[string]string | (Optional) |
observedGeneration int64 | (Optional) ObservedGeneration is the latest generation observed by the controller. |
(Appears on:ObjectStoreUserSpec)
Additional admin-level capabilities for the Ceph object store user
Field | Description |
user string | (Optional) Admin capabilities to read/write Ceph object store users. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
users string | (Optional) Admin capabilities to read/write Ceph object store users. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
bucket string | (Optional) Admin capabilities to read/write Ceph object store buckets. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
buckets string | (Optional) Admin capabilities to read/write Ceph object store buckets. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
metadata string | (Optional) Admin capabilities to read/write Ceph object store metadata. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
usage string | (Optional) Admin capabilities to read/write Ceph object store usage. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
zone string | (Optional) Admin capabilities to read/write Ceph object store zones. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
roles string | (Optional) Admin capabilities to read/write roles for user. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
info string | (Optional) Admin capabilities to read/write information about the user. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
amz-cache string | (Optional) Add capabilities for user to send request to RGW Cache API header. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/rgw-cache/#cache-api |
bilog string | (Optional) Add capabilities for user to change bucket index logging. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
mdlog string | (Optional) Add capabilities for user to change metadata logging. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
datalog string | (Optional) Add capabilities for user to change data logging. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
user-policy string | (Optional) Add capabilities for user to change user policies. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
oidc-provider string | (Optional) Add capabilities for user to change oidc provider. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
ratelimit string | (Optional) Add capabilities for user to set rate limiter for user and bucket. Documented in https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/admin/?#add-remove-admin-capabilities |
(Appears on:ObjectStoreUserSpec)
ObjectUserQuotaSpec can be used to set quotas for the object store user to limit their usage. See the Ceph docs for more
Field | Description |
maxBuckets int | (Optional) Maximum bucket limit for the ceph user |
maxSize k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity | (Optional) Maximum size limit of all objects across all the user’s buckets See https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource#Quantity for more info. |
maxObjects int64 | (Optional) Maximum number of objects across all the user’s buckets |
(Appears on:CephObjectZoneGroup)
ObjectZoneGroupSpec represent the spec of an ObjectZoneGroup
Field | Description |
realm string | The display name for the ceph users |
(Appears on:CephObjectZone)
ObjectZoneSpec represent the spec of an ObjectZone
Field | Description |
zoneGroup string | The display name for the ceph users |
metadataPool PoolSpec | (Optional) The metadata pool settings |
dataPool PoolSpec | (Optional) The data pool settings |
sharedPools ObjectSharedPoolsSpec | (Optional) The pool information when configuring RADOS namespaces in existing pools. |
customEndpoints []string | (Optional) If this zone cannot be accessed from other peer Ceph clusters via the ClusterIP Service endpoint created by Rook, you must set this to the externally reachable endpoint(s). You may include the port in the definition. For example: “https://my-object-store.my-domain.net:443”. In many cases, you should set this to the endpoint of the ingress resource that makes the CephObjectStore associated with this CephObjectStoreZone reachable to peer clusters. The list can have one or more endpoints pointing to different RGW servers in the zone. If a CephObjectStore endpoint is omitted from this list, that object store’s gateways will not receive multisite replication data (see CephObjectStore.spec.gateway.disableMultisiteSyncTraffic). |
preservePoolsOnDelete bool | (Optional) Preserve pools on object zone deletion |
(Appears on:GatewaySpec)
RGWLoggingSpec is intended to extend the s3/swift logging for client operations
Field | Description |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements | (Optional) Resources represents the way to specify resource requirements for the ops-log sidecar |
(Appears on:FilesystemMirrorInfoPeerSpec)
Field | Description |
client_name string | (Optional) ClientName is cephx name |
cluster_name string | (Optional) ClusterName is the name of the cluster |
fs_name string | (Optional) FsName is the filesystem name |
(Appears on:FilesystemMirrorInfoPeerSpec)
PeerStatSpec are the mirror stat with a given peer
Field | Description |
failure_count int | (Optional) FailureCount is the number of mirroring failure |
recovery_count int | (Optional) RecoveryCount is the number of recovery attempted after failures |
(Appears on:MirroringInfo)
PeersSpec contains peer details
Field | Description |
uuid string | (Optional) UUID is the peer UUID |
direction string | (Optional) Direction is the peer mirroring direction |
site_name string | (Optional) SiteName is the current site name |
mirror_uuid string | (Optional) MirrorUUID is the mirror UUID |
client_name string | (Optional) ClientName is the CephX user used to connect to the peer |
(Appears on:CephCOSIDriverSpec, FilesystemMirroringSpec, GaneshaServerSpec, GatewaySpec, MetadataServerSpec, RBDMirroringSpec, StorageClassDeviceSet)
Placement is the placement for an object
Field | Description |
nodeAffinity Kubernetes core/v1.NodeAffinity | (Optional) NodeAffinity is a group of node affinity scheduling rules |
podAffinity Kubernetes core/v1.PodAffinity | (Optional) PodAffinity is a group of inter pod affinity scheduling rules |
podAntiAffinity Kubernetes core/v1.PodAntiAffinity | (Optional) PodAntiAffinity is a group of inter pod anti affinity scheduling rules |
tolerations []Kubernetes core/v1.Toleration | (Optional) The pod this Toleration is attached to tolerates any taint that matches the triple |
topologySpreadConstraints []Kubernetes core/v1.TopologySpreadConstraint | (Optional) TopologySpreadConstraints specifies how to spread matching pods among the given topology |
PlacementSpec (map[github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.KeyType]github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.Placement
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
PlacementSpec is the placement for core ceph daemons part of the CephCluster CRD
(Appears on:PoolPlacementSpec)
Field | Description |
name string | Name is the StorageClass name. Ceph allows arbitrary name for StorageClasses, however most clients/libs insist on AWS names so it is recommended to use one of the valid x-amz-storage-class values for better compatibility: REDUCED_REDUNDANCY | STANDARD_IA | ONEZONE_IA | INTELLIGENT_TIERING | GLACIER | DEEP_ARCHIVE | OUTPOSTS | GLACIER_IR | SNOW | EXPRESS_ONEZONE See AWS docs: https://aws.amazon.com/de/s3/storage-classes/ |
dataPoolName string | DataPoolName is the data pool used to store ObjectStore objects data. |
(Appears on:ObjectSharedPoolsSpec)
Field | Description |
name string | Pool placement name. Name can be arbitrary. Placement with name “default” will be used as default. |
default bool | (Optional) Sets given placement as default. Only one placement in the list can be marked as default. Default is false. |
metadataPoolName string | The metadata pool used to store ObjectStore bucket index. |
dataPoolName string | The data pool used to store ObjectStore objects data. |
dataNonECPoolName string | (Optional) The data pool used to store ObjectStore data that cannot use erasure coding (ex: multi-part uploads). If dataPoolName is not erasure coded, then there is no need for dataNonECPoolName. |
storageClasses []PlacementStorageClassSpec | (Optional) StorageClasses can be selected by user to override dataPoolName during object creation. Each placement has default STANDARD StorageClass pointing to dataPoolName. This list allows defining additional StorageClasses on top of default STANDARD storage class. |
(Appears on:NamedBlockPoolSpec, NamedPoolSpec, ObjectStoreSpec, ObjectZoneSpec)
PoolSpec represents the spec of ceph pool
Field | Description |
failureDomain string | (Optional) The failure domain: osd/host/(region or zone if available) - technically also any type in the crush map |
crushRoot string | (Optional) The root of the crush hierarchy utilized by the pool |
deviceClass string | (Optional) The device class the OSD should set to for use in the pool |
enableCrushUpdates bool | (Optional) Allow rook operator to change the pool CRUSH tunables once the pool is created |
compressionMode string | (Optional) DEPRECATED: use Parameters instead, e.g., Parameters[“compression_mode”] = “force” The inline compression mode in Bluestore OSD to set to (options are: none, passive, aggressive, force) Do NOT set a default value for kubebuilder as this will override the Parameters |
replicated ReplicatedSpec | (Optional) The replication settings |
erasureCoded ErasureCodedSpec | (Optional) The erasure code settings |
parameters map[string]string | (Optional) Parameters is a list of properties to enable on a given pool |
enableRBDStats bool | EnableRBDStats is used to enable gathering of statistics for all RBD images in the pool |
mirroring MirroringSpec | The mirroring settings |
statusCheck MirrorHealthCheckSpec | The mirroring statusCheck |
quotas QuotaSpec | (Optional) The quota settings |
application string | (Optional) The application name to set on the pool. Only expected to be set for rgw pools. |
PriorityClassNamesSpec (map[github.com/rook/rook/pkg/apis/ceph.rook.io/v1.KeyType]string
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
PriorityClassNamesSpec is a map of priority class names to be assigned to components
(Appears on:GaneshaServerSpec, MetadataServerSpec, ObjectHealthCheckSpec)
ProbeSpec is a wrapper around Probe so it can be enabled or disabled for a Ceph daemon
Field | Description |
disabled bool | (Optional) Disabled determines whether probe is disable or not |
probe Kubernetes core/v1.Probe | (Optional) Probe describes a health check to be performed against a container to determine whether it is alive or ready to receive traffic. |
(Appears on:ObjectStoreSpec)
ProtocolSpec represents a Ceph Object Store protocol specification
Field | Description |
enableAPIs []ObjectStoreAPI | (Optional) Represents RGW ‘rgw_enable_apis’ config option. See: https://docs.ceph.com/en/reef/radosgw/config-ref/#confval-rgw_enable_apis If no value provided then all APIs will be enabled: s3, s3website, swift, swift_auth, admin, sts, iam, notifications If enabled APIs are set, all remaining APIs will be disabled. This option overrides S3.Enabled value. |
s3 S3Spec | (Optional) The spec for S3 |
swift SwiftSpec | (Optional) The spec for Swift |
(Appears on:ObjectRealmSpec)
PullSpec represents the pulling specification of a Ceph Object Storage Gateway Realm
Field | Description |
endpoint string |
(Appears on:PoolSpec)
QuotaSpec represents the spec for quotas in a pool
Field | Description |
maxBytes uint64 | (Optional) MaxBytes represents the quota in bytes Deprecated in favor of MaxSize |
maxSize string | (Optional) MaxSize represents the quota in bytes as a string |
maxObjects uint64 | (Optional) MaxObjects represents the quota in objects |
(Appears on:CephRBDMirror)
RBDMirroringSpec represents the specification of an RBD mirror daemon
Field | Description |
count int | Count represents the number of rbd mirror instance to run |
peers MirroringPeerSpec | (Optional) Peers represents the peers spec |
placement Placement | (Optional) The affinity to place the rgw pods (default is to place on any available node) |
annotations Annotations | (Optional) The annotations-related configuration to add/set on each Pod related object. |
labels Labels | (Optional) The labels-related configuration to add/set on each Pod related object. |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements | (Optional) The resource requirements for the rbd mirror pods |
priorityClassName string | (Optional) PriorityClassName sets priority class on the rbd mirror pods |
(Appears on:GatewaySpec)
RGWServiceSpec represent the spec for RGW service
Field | Description |
annotations Annotations | The annotations-related configuration to add/set on each rgw service. nullable optional |
(Appears on:CephBlockPoolRadosNamespaceSpec)
RadosNamespaceMirroring represents the mirroring configuration of CephBlockPoolRadosNamespace
Field | Description |
remoteNamespace string | (Optional) RemoteNamespace is the name of the CephBlockPoolRadosNamespace on the secondary cluster CephBlockPool |
mode RadosNamespaceMirroringMode | Mode is the mirroring mode; either pool or image |
snapshotSchedules []SnapshotScheduleSpec | (Optional) SnapshotSchedules is the scheduling of snapshot for mirrored images |
RadosNamespaceMirroringMode (string
(Appears on:RadosNamespaceMirroring)
RadosNamespaceMirroringMode represents the mode of the RadosNamespace
Value | Description |
"image" | RadosNamespaceMirroringModeImage represents the image mode |
"pool" | RadosNamespaceMirroringModePool represents the pool mode |
(Appears on:CSIDriverSpec)
ReadAffinitySpec defines the read affinity settings for CSI driver.
Field | Description |
enabled bool | (Optional) Enables read affinity for CSI driver. |
crushLocationLabels []string | (Optional) CrushLocationLabels defines which node labels to use as CRUSH location. This should correspond to the values set in the CRUSH map. |
(Appears on:PoolSpec)
ReplicatedSpec represents the spec for replication in a pool
Field | Description |
size uint | Size - Number of copies per object in a replicated storage pool, including the object itself (required for replicated pool type) |
targetSizeRatio float64 | (Optional) TargetSizeRatio gives a hint (%) to Ceph in terms of expected consumption of the total cluster capacity |
requireSafeReplicaSize bool | (Optional) RequireSafeReplicaSize if false allows you to set replica 1 |
replicasPerFailureDomain uint | (Optional) ReplicasPerFailureDomain the number of replica in the specified failure domain |
subFailureDomain string | (Optional) SubFailureDomain the name of the sub-failure domain |
hybridStorage HybridStorageSpec | (Optional) HybridStorage represents hybrid storage tier settings |
ResourceSpec (map[string]k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
ResourceSpec is a collection of ResourceRequirements that describes the compute resource requirements
(Appears on:ProtocolSpec)
S3Spec represents Ceph Object Store specification for the S3 API
Field | Description |
enabled bool | (Optional) Deprecated: use protocol.enableAPIs instead. Whether to enable S3. This defaults to true (even if protocols.s3 is not present in the CRD). This maintains backwards compatibility – by default S3 is enabled. |
authUseKeystone bool | (Optional) Whether to use Keystone for authentication. This option maps directly to the rgw_s3_auth_use_keystone option. Enabling it allows generating S3 credentials via an OpenStack API call, see the docs. If not given, the defaults of the corresponding RGW option apply. |
(Appears on:SSSDSpec)
SSSDSidecar represents configuration when SSSD is run in a sidecar.
Field | Description |
image string | Image defines the container image that should be used for the SSSD sidecar. |
sssdConfigFile SSSDSidecarConfigFile | (Optional) SSSDConfigFile defines where the SSSD configuration should be sourced from. The config file will be placed into |
additionalFiles AdditionalVolumeMounts | (Optional) AdditionalFiles defines any number of additional files that should be mounted into the SSSD sidecar with a directory root of |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements | (Optional) Resources allow specifying resource requests/limits on the SSSD sidecar container. |
debugLevel int | (Optional) DebugLevel sets the debug level for SSSD. If unset or set to 0, Rook does nothing. Otherwise, this may be a value between 1 and 10. See SSSD docs for more info: https://sssd.io/troubleshooting/basics.html#sssd-debug-logs |
(Appears on:SSSDSidecar)
SSSDSidecarConfigFile represents the source(s) from which the SSSD configuration should come.
Field | Description |
volumeSource ConfigFileVolumeSource | VolumeSource accepts a pared down version of the standard Kubernetes VolumeSource for the SSSD configuration file like what is normally used to configure Volumes for a Pod. For example, a ConfigMap, Secret, or HostPath. There are two requirements for the source’s content: 1. The config file must be mountable via |
(Appears on:NFSSecuritySpec)
SSSDSpec represents configuration for System Security Services Daemon (SSSD).
Field | Description |
sidecar SSSDSidecar | (Optional) Sidecar tells Rook to run SSSD in a sidecar alongside the NFS-Ganesha server in each NFS pod. |
SanitizeDataSourceProperty (string
(Appears on:SanitizeDisksSpec)
SanitizeDataSourceProperty represents a sanitizing data source
Value | Description |
"random" | SanitizeDataSourceRandom uses `shred’s default entropy source |
"zero" | SanitizeDataSourceZero uses /dev/zero as sanitize source |
(Appears on:CleanupPolicySpec)
SanitizeDisksSpec represents a disk sanitizing specification
Field | Description |
method SanitizeMethodProperty | (Optional) Method is the method we use to sanitize disks |
dataSource SanitizeDataSourceProperty | (Optional) DataSource is the data source to use to sanitize the disk with |
iteration int32 | (Optional) Iteration is the number of pass to apply the sanitizing |
SanitizeMethodProperty (string
(Appears on:SanitizeDisksSpec)
SanitizeMethodProperty represents a disk sanitizing method
Value | Description |
"complete" | SanitizeMethodComplete will sanitize everything on the disk |
"quick" | SanitizeMethodQuick will sanitize metadata only on the disk |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec, ObjectStoreSecuritySpec)
SecuritySpec is security spec to include various security items such as kms
Field | Description |
kms KeyManagementServiceSpec | (Optional) KeyManagementService is the main Key Management option |
keyRotation KeyRotationSpec | (Optional) KeyRotation defines options for Key Rotation. |
(Appears on:Node, StorageScopeSpec)
Field | Description |
useAllDevices bool | (Optional) Whether to consume all the storage devices found on a machine |
deviceFilter string | (Optional) A regular expression to allow more fine-grained selection of devices on nodes across the cluster |
devicePathFilter string | (Optional) A regular expression to allow more fine-grained selection of devices with path names |
devices []Device | (Optional) List of devices to use as storage devices |
volumeClaimTemplates []VolumeClaimTemplate | (Optional) PersistentVolumeClaims to use as storage |
(Appears on:SnapshotSchedulesSpec)
SnapshotSchedule is a schedule
Field | Description |
interval string | (Optional) Interval is the interval in which snapshots will be taken |
start_time string | (Optional) StartTime is the snapshot starting time |
(Appears on:FSMirroringSpec)
SnapshotScheduleRetentionSpec is a retention policy
Field | Description |
path string | (Optional) Path is the path to snapshot |
duration string | (Optional) Duration represents the retention duration for a snapshot |
(Appears on:FSMirroringSpec, MirroringSpec, RadosNamespaceMirroring)
SnapshotScheduleSpec represents the snapshot scheduling settings of a mirrored pool
Field | Description |
path string | (Optional) Path is the path to snapshot, only valid for CephFS |
interval string | (Optional) Interval represent the periodicity of the snapshot. |
startTime string | (Optional) StartTime indicates when to start the snapshot |
(Appears on:CephBlockPoolRadosNamespaceStatus, CephBlockPoolStatus)
SnapshotScheduleStatusSpec is the status of the snapshot schedule
Field | Description |
snapshotSchedules []SnapshotSchedulesSpec | (Optional) SnapshotSchedules is the list of snapshots scheduled |
lastChecked string | (Optional) LastChecked is the last time time the status was checked |
lastChanged string | (Optional) LastChanged is the last time time the status last changed |
details string | (Optional) Details contains potential status errors |
(Appears on:SnapshotScheduleStatusSpec)
SnapshotSchedulesSpec is the list of snapshot scheduled for images in a pool
Field | Description |
pool string | (Optional) Pool is the pool name |
namespace string | (Optional) Namespace is the RADOS namespace the image is part of |
image string | (Optional) Image is the mirrored image |
items []SnapshotSchedule | (Optional) Items is the list schedules times for a given snapshot |
(Appears on:MirroringStatusSummarySpec)
StatesSpec are rbd images mirroring state
Field | Description |
starting_replay int | (Optional) StartingReplay is when the replay of the mirroring journal starts |
replaying int | (Optional) Replaying is when the replay of the mirroring journal is on-going |
syncing int | (Optional) Syncing is when the image is syncing |
stopping_replay int | (Optional) StopReplaying is when the replay of the mirroring journal stops |
stopped int | (Optional) Stopped is when the mirroring state is stopped |
unknown int | (Optional) Unknown is when the mirroring state is unknown |
error int | (Optional) Error is when the mirroring state is errored |
(Appears on:CephBucketNotification, CephFilesystemMirror, CephNFS, CephObjectRealm, CephObjectZone, CephObjectZoneGroup, CephRBDMirror)
Status represents the status of an object
Field | Description |
phase string | (Optional) |
observedGeneration int64 | (Optional) ObservedGeneration is the latest generation observed by the controller. |
conditions []Condition |
(Appears on:StorageScopeSpec)
StorageClassDeviceSet is a storage class device set
Field | Description |
name string | Name is a unique identifier for the set |
count int | Count is the number of devices in this set |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements | (Optional) |
placement Placement | (Optional) |
preparePlacement Placement | (Optional) |
config map[string]string | (Optional) Provider-specific device configuration |
volumeClaimTemplates []VolumeClaimTemplate | VolumeClaimTemplates is a list of PVC templates for the underlying storage devices |
portable bool | (Optional) Portable represents OSD portability across the hosts |
tuneDeviceClass bool | (Optional) TuneSlowDeviceClass Tune the OSD when running on a slow Device Class |
tuneFastDeviceClass bool | (Optional) TuneFastDeviceClass Tune the OSD when running on a fast Device Class |
schedulerName string | (Optional) Scheduler name for OSD pod placement |
encrypted bool | (Optional) Whether to encrypt the deviceSet |
(Appears on:ClusterSpec)
Field | Description |
nodes []Node | (Optional) |
useAllNodes bool | (Optional) |
scheduleAlways bool | (Optional) Whether to always schedule OSDs on a node even if the node is not currently scheduleable or ready |
onlyApplyOSDPlacement bool | (Optional) |
config map[string]string | (Optional) |
Selection Selection | (Members of |
storageClassDeviceSets []StorageClassDeviceSet | (Optional) |
migration Migration | (Optional) Migration handles the OSD migration |
store OSDStore | (Optional) |
flappingRestartIntervalHours int | (Optional) FlappingRestartIntervalHours defines the time for which the OSD pods, that failed with zero exit code, will sleep before restarting. This is needed for OSD flapping where OSD daemons are marked down more than 5 times in 600 seconds by Ceph. Preventing the OSD pods to restart immediately in such scenarios will prevent Rook from marking OSD as |
fullRatio float64 | (Optional) FullRatio is the ratio at which the cluster is considered full and ceph will stop accepting writes. Default is 0.95. |
nearFullRatio float64 | (Optional) NearFullRatio is the ratio at which the cluster is considered nearly full and will raise a ceph health warning. Default is 0.85. |
backfillFullRatio float64 | (Optional) BackfillFullRatio is the ratio at which the cluster is too full for backfill. Backfill will be disabled if above this threshold. Default is 0.90. |
allowDeviceClassUpdate bool | (Optional) Whether to allow updating the device class after the OSD is initially provisioned |
allowOsdCrushWeightUpdate bool | (Optional) Whether Rook will resize the OSD CRUSH weight when the OSD PVC size is increased. This allows cluster data to be rebalanced to make most effective use of new OSD space. The default is false since data rebalancing can cause temporary cluster slowdown. |
StoreType (string
Value | Description |
"bluestore" | StoreTypeBlueStore is the bluestore backend storage for OSDs |
"bluestore-rdr" | StoreTypeBlueStoreRDR is the bluestore-rdr backed storage for OSDs |
(Appears on:MonSpec)
StretchClusterSpec represents the specification of a stretched Ceph Cluster
Field | Description |
failureDomainLabel string | (Optional) FailureDomainLabel the failure domain name (e,g: zone) |
subFailureDomain string | (Optional) SubFailureDomain is the failure domain within a zone |
zones []MonZoneSpec | (Optional) Zones is the list of zones |
(Appears on:ProtocolSpec)
SwiftSpec represents Ceph Object Store specification for the Swift API
Field | Description |
accountInUrl bool | (Optional) Whether or not the Swift account name should be included in the Swift API URL. If set to false (the default), then the Swift API will listen on a URL formed like http://host:port/ |
urlPrefix string | (Optional) The URL prefix for the Swift API, to distinguish it from the S3 API endpoint. The default is swift, which makes the Swift API available at the URL http://host:port/swift/v1 (or http://host:port/swift/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s if rgw swift account in url is enabled). |
versioningEnabled bool | (Optional) Enables the Object Versioning of OpenStack Object Storage API. This allows clients to put the X-Versions-Location attribute on containers that should be versioned. |
(Appears on:BucketTopicSpec)
TopicEndpointSpec contains exactly one of the endpoint specs of a Bucket Topic
Field | Description |
http HTTPEndpointSpec | (Optional) Spec of HTTP endpoint |
amqp AMQPEndpointSpec | (Optional) Spec of AMQP endpoint |
kafka KafkaEndpointSpec | (Optional) Spec of Kafka endpoint |
(Appears on:MonSpec, MonZoneSpec, Selection, StorageClassDeviceSet)
VolumeClaimTemplate is a simplified version of K8s corev1’s PVC. It has no type meta or status.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | (Optional) Standard object’s metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field. | ||||||||||||||||||
spec Kubernetes core/v1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec | (Optional) spec defines the desired characteristics of a volume requested by a pod author. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#persistentvolumeclaims
(Appears on:ObjectStoreSpec)
ZoneSpec represents a Ceph Object Store Gateway Zone specification
Field | Description |
name string | RGW Zone the Object Store is in |
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