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CSI provisioner and driver


This feature is experimental and will not support upgrades to future versions.

In version 1.9.1, Rook is able to deploy the experimental NFS Ceph CSI driver. This requires Ceph CSI version 3.6.0 or above. We recommend Ceph v16.2.7 or above.

For this section, we will refer to Rook's deployment examples in the deploy/examples directory.

Enabling the CSI drivers

The Ceph CSI NFS provisioner and driver require additional RBAC to operate. Apply the deploy/examples/csi/nfs/rbac.yaml manifest to deploy the additional resources.

Rook will only deploy the Ceph CSI NFS provisioner and driver components when the ROOK_CSI_ENABLE_NFS config is set to "true" in the rook-ceph-operator-config configmap. Change the value in your manifest, or patch the resource as below.

kubectl --namespace rook-ceph patch configmap rook-ceph-operator-config --type merge --patch '{"data":{"ROOK_CSI_ENABLE_NFS": "true"}}'


The rook-ceph operator Helm chart will deploy the required RBAC and enable the driver components if csi.nfs.enabled is set to true.

Creating NFS exports via PVC


In order to create NFS exports via the CSI driver, you must first create a CephFilesystem to serve as the underlying storage for the exports, and you must create a CephNFS to run an NFS server that will expose the exports. RGWs cannot be used for the CSI driver.

From the examples, filesystem.yaml creates a CephFilesystem called myfs, and nfs.yaml creates an NFS server called my-nfs.

You may need to enable or disable the Ceph orchestrator. Follow the same steps documented above based on your Ceph version and desires.

You must also create a storage class. Ceph CSI is designed to support any arbitrary Ceph cluster, but we are focused here only on Ceph clusters deployed by Rook. Let's take a look at a portion of the example storage class found at deploy/examples/csi/nfs/storageclass.yaml and break down how the values are determined.

kind: StorageClass
  name: rook-nfs
provisioner: # [1]
  nfsCluster: my-nfs # [2]
  server: rook-ceph-nfs-my-nfs-a # [3]
  clusterID: rook-ceph # [4]
  fsName: myfs # [5]
  pool: myfs-replicated # [6]

  # [7] (entire* section immediately below) rook-csi-cephfs-provisioner rook-ceph rook-csi-cephfs-provisioner rook-ceph rook-csi-cephfs-node rook-ceph

# ... some fields omitted ...
  1. provisioner: because rook-ceph is the namespace where the CephCluster is installed
  2. nfsCluster: my-nfs because this is the name of the CephNFS
  3. server: rook-ceph-nfs-my-nfs-a because Rook creates this Kubernetes Service for the CephNFS named my-nfs
  4. clusterID: rook-ceph because this is the namespace where the CephCluster is installed
  5. fsName: myfs because this is the name of the CephFilesystem used to back the NFS exports
  6. pool: myfs-replicated because myfs is the name of the CephFilesystem defined in fsName and because replicated is the name of a data pool defined in the CephFilesystem
  7.*: note that these values are shared with the Ceph CSI CephFS provisioner

Creating a PVC

See deploy/examples/csi/nfs/pvc.yaml for an example of how to create a PVC that will create an NFS export. The export will be created and a PV created for the PVC immediately, even without a Pod to mount the PVC.

Attaching an export to a pod

See deploy/examples/csi/nfs/pod.yaml for an example of how a PVC can be connected to an application pod.

Connecting to an export directly

After a PVC is created successfully, the share parameter set on the resulting PV contains the share path which can be used as the export path when mounting the export manually. In the example below /0001-0009-rook-ceph-0000000000000001-55c910f9-a1af-11ed-9772-1a471870b2f5 is the export path.

$ kubectl get pv pvc-b559f225-de79-451b-a327-3dbec1f95a1c -o jsonpath='{.spec.csi.volumeAttributes}'

Taking snapshots of NFS exports

NFS export PVCs can be snapshotted and later restored to new PVCs.

Creating snapshots

First, create a VolumeSnapshotClass as in the example here. The parameter should reference the name of the secret created for the cephfsplugin here.

kubectl create -f deploy/examples/csi/nfs/snapshotclass.yaml

In snapshot, volumeSnapshotClassName should be the name of the VolumeSnapshotClass previously created. The persistentVolumeClaimName should be the name of the PVC which is already created by the NFS CSI driver.

kubectl create -f deploy/examples/csi/nfs/snapshot.yaml

Verifying snapshots

$ kubectl get volumesnapshotclass
NAME                        DRIVER                          DELETIONPOLICY   AGE
csi-nfslugin-snapclass      Delete           3h55m
$ kubectl get volumesnapshot
nfs-pvc-snapshot      true         nfs-pvc                            1Gi           csi-nfsplugin-snapclass      snapcontent-34476204-a14a-4d59-bfbc-2bbba695652c  3h50m          3h51m

The snapshot will be ready to restore to a new PVC when READYTOUSE field of the volumesnapshot is set to true.

Restoring snapshot to a new PVC

In pvc-restore, dataSource name should be the name of the VolumeSnapshot previously created. The dataSource kind should be "VolumeSnapshot".

Create a new PVC from the snapshot.

kubectl create -f deploy/examples/csi/nfs/pvc-restore.yaml

Verifying restored PVC Creation

$ kubectl get pvc
NAME                 STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS      AGE
nfs-pvc              Bound    pvc-74734901-577a-11e9-b34f-525400581048   1Gi        RWX            rook-nfs          55m
nfs-pvc-restore      Bound    pvc-95308c75-6c93-4928-a551-6b5137192209   1Gi        RWX            rook-nfs          34s

Cleaning up snapshot resource

To clean your cluster of the resources created by this example, run the following:

kubectl delete -f deploy/examples/csi/nfs/pvc-restore.yaml
kubectl delete -f deploy/examples/csi/nfs/snapshot.yaml
kubectl delete -f deploy/examples/csi/nfs/snapshotclass.yaml

Cloning NFS exports

Creating clones

In pvc-clone, dataSource should be the name of the PVC which is already created by NFS CSI driver. The dataSource kind should be "PersistentVolumeClaim" and also storageclass should be same as the source PVC.

Create a new PVC Clone from the PVC as in the example here.

kubectl create -f deploy/examples/csi/nfs/pvc-clone.yaml

Verifying a cloned PVC

kubectl get pvc
NAME              STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
nfs-pvc           Bound    pvc-1ea51547-a88b-4ab0-8b4a-812caeaf025d   1Gi        RWX            rook-nfs       39m
nfs-pvc-clone     Bound    pvc-b575bc35-d521-4c41-b4f9-1d733cd28fdf   1Gi        RWX            rook-nfs       8s

Cleaning up clone resources

To clean your cluster of the resources created by this example, run the following:

kubectl delete -f deploy/examples/csi/nfs/pvc-clone.yaml