
    PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to v0.6 version and not to the latest stable release v1.9

    Common Problems

    Many of these problem cases are hard to summarize down to a short phrase that adequately describes the problem. Each problem will start with a bulleted list of symptoms. Keep in mind that all symptoms may not apply depending upon the configuration of the Rook. If the majority of the symptoms are seen there is a fair chance you are experiencing that problem.

    If after trying the suggestions found on this page and the problem is not resolved, the Rook team is very happy to help you troubleshoot the issues in their Slack channel. Once you have registered for the Rook Slack, proceed to the General channel to ask for assistance.

    Table of Contents

    Troubleshooting Techniques

    One of the first things that should be done is to start the rook-tools pod as described in the Toolbox section. Once the pod is up and running one can kubectl exec into the pod to execute Ceph commands to evaluate that current state of the cluster. Here is a list of commands that can help one get an understanding of the current state.

    • rookctl status
    • ceph status
    • ceph osd status
    • ceph osd df
    • ceph osd utilization
    • ceph osd pool stats
    • ceph osd tree
    • ceph pg stat

    Of particular note, the first two status commands provide the overall cluster health. The normal state for cluster operations is HEALTH_OK, but will still function when the state is in a HEALTH_WARN state. If you are in a WARN state, then the cluster is in a condition that it may enter the HEALTH_ERROR state at which point all disk I/O operations are halted. If a HEALTH_WARN state is observed, then one should take action to prevent the cluster from halting when it enters the HEALTH_ERROR state.

    There is literally a ton of Ceph sub-commands to look at and manipulate Ceph objects. Well beyond the scope of a few troubleshooting techniques and there are other sites and documentation sets that deal more with assisting one with troubleshooting a Ceph environment. In addition, there are other helpful hints and some best practices concerning a Ceph environment located in the Advanced Configuration section. Of particular note there are scripts for collecting logs and gathering OSD information there.

    Pod Using Rook Storage Is Not Running


    • The pod that is configured to use Rook storage is stuck in the ContainerCreating status
    • kubectl describe pod for the pod mentions one or more of the following:
      • PersistentVolumeClaim is not bound
      • timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach/mount
    • kubectl -n rook-system get pod shows the rook-agent pods in a CrashLoopBackOff status

    Possible Solutions Summary

    Investigation Details

    If you see some of the symptoms above, it’s because the requested Rook storage for your pod is not being created and mounted successfully. In this walkthrough, we will be looking at the wordpress mysql example pod that is failing to start. To first confirm there is an issue, you can run commands similar to the following and you should see similar output (note that some of it has been omitted for brevity):

    > kubectl get pod
    NAME                              READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
    wordpress-mysql-918363043-50pjr   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          1h
    > kubectl describe pod wordpress-mysql-918363043-50pjr
      FirstSeen	LastSeen	Count	From			SubObjectPath	Type		Reason			Message
      ---------	--------	-----	----			-------------	--------	------			-------
      1h		1h		3	default-scheduler			Warning		FailedScheduling	PersistentVolumeClaim is not bound: "mysql-pv-claim" (repeated 2 times)
      1h		35s		36	kubelet,			Warning		FailedMount		Unable to mount volumes for pod "wordpress-mysql-918363043-50pjr_default(08d14e75-bd99-11e7-bc4c-001c428b9fc8)": timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach/mount for pod "default"/"wordpress-mysql-918363043-50pjr". list of unattached/unmounted volumes=[mysql-persistent-storage]
      1h		35s		36	kubelet,			Warning		FailedSync		Error syncing pod

    To troubleshoot this, let’s walk through the volume provisioning steps in order to confirm where the failure is happening.

    Rook Agent Deployment

    The rook-agent pods are responsible for mapping and mounting the volume from the cluster onto the node that your pod will be running on. If the rook-agent pod is not running then it cannot perform this function. Below is an example of the rook-agent pods failing to get to the Running status because they are in a CrashLoopBackOff status:

    > kubectl -n rook-system get pod
    NAME                             READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
    rook-agent-ct5pj                 0/1       CrashLoopBackOff   16         59m
    rook-agent-zb6n9                 0/1       CrashLoopBackOff   16         59m
    rook-operator-2203999069-pmhzn   1/1       Running            0          59m

    If you see this occurring, you can get more details about why the rook-agent pods are continuing to crash with the following command and its sample output:

    > kubectl -n rook-system get pod -l app=rook-agent -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.status.containerStatuses[0].lastState.terminated.message}{"\n"}{end}'
    rook-agent-ct5pj	mkdir /usr/libexec/kubernetes: read-only file system
    rook-agent-zb6n9	mkdir /usr/libexec/kubernetes: read-only file system

    From the output above, we can see that the agents were not able to bind mount to /usr/libexec/kubernetes on the host they are scheduled to run on. For some environments, this default path is read-only and therefore a better path must be provided to the agents.

    First, clean up the agent deployment with:

    kubectl -n rook-system delete daemonset rook-agent

    Once the rook-agent pods are gone, follow the instructions in the Flexvolume configuration pre-reqs to ensure a good value for --volume-plugin-dir has been provided to the Kubelet. After that has been configured, and the Kubelet has been restarted, start the agent pods up again by restarting rook-operator:

    kubectl -n rook-system delete pod -l app=rook-operator

    Kubelet Restart

    Kubernetes 1.7.x and earlier only

    If the rook-agent pods are all in the Running state then another thing to confirm is that if you are running on Kubernetes 1.7.x or earlier, the Kubelet must be restarted after the rook-agent pods are running.

    A symptom of this can be found in the Kubelet’s log/journal, with the following error saying no volume plugin matched:

    Oct 30 22:23:03 core-02 kubelet-wrapper[31926]: E1030 22:23:03.524159   31926 desired_state_of_world_populator.go:285] Failed to add volume "mysql-persistent-storage" (specName: "pvc-9f273fbc") for pod "9f2ff89a-bdbf" to desiredStateOfWorld. err=failed to get Plugin from volumeSpec for volume "pvc-9f273fbc" err=no volume plugin matched

    If you encounter this, just restart the Kubelet process, as described in the Restart Kubelet section of the Rook deployment guide.

    Volume Creation

    The volume must first be created in the Rook cluster and then bound to a volume claim before it can be mounted to a pod. Let’s confirm that with the following commands and their output:

    > kubectl get pv
    NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   RECLAIMPOLICY   STATUS     CLAIM                    STORAGECLASS   REASON    AGE
    pvc-9f273fbc-bdbf-11e7-bc4c-001c428b9fc8   20Gi       RWO           Delete          Bound      default/mysql-pv-claim   rook-block               25m
    > kubectl get pvc
    NAME             STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
    mysql-pv-claim   Bound     pvc-9f273fbc-bdbf-11e7-bc4c-001c428b9fc8   20Gi       RWO           rook-block     25m

    Both your volume and its claim should be in the Bound status. If one or neither of them is not in the Bound status, then look for details of the issue in the rook-operator logs:

    kubectl -n rook-system logs `kubectl -n rook-system -l app=rook-operator get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'`

    If the volume is failing to be created, there should be details in the log output, especially those tagged with op-provisioner.

    Volume Mounting

    The final step in preparing Rook storage for your pod is for the rook-agent pod to mount and format it. If all the preceding sections have been successful or inconclusive, then take a look at the rook-agent pod logs for further clues. You can determine which rook-agent is running on the same node that your pod is scheduled on by using the -o wide output, then you can get the logs for that rook-agent pod similar to the example below:

    > kubectl -n rook-system get pod -o wide
    NAME                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP             NODE
    rook-agent-h6scx                 1/1       Running   0          9m
    rook-agent-mp7tn                 1/1       Running   0          9m
    rook-operator-2203999069-3tb68   1/1       Running   0          9m
    > kubectl -n rook-system logs rook-agent-h6scx
    2017-10-30 23:07:06.984108 I | rook: starting Rook v0.5.0-241.g48ce6de.dirty with arguments '/usr/local/bin/rook agent'

    In the rook-agent pod logs, you may see a snippet similar to the following:

    Failed to complete rbd: signal: interrupt.

    In this case, the agent waited for the rbd command but it did not finish in a timely manner so the agent gave up and stopped it. This can happen for multiple reasons, but using dmesg will likely give you insight into the root cause. If dmesg shows something similar to below, then it means you have an old kernel that can’t talk to the cluster:

    libceph: mon2 feature set mismatch, my 4a042a42 < server's 2004a042a42, missing 20000000000

    If uname -a shows that you have a kernel version older than 3.15, you’ll need to perform one of the following:

    • Disable some Ceph features by starting the rook toolbox and running ceph osd crush tunables bobtail
    • Upgrade your kernel to 3.15 or later.

    Filesystem Mounting

    In the rook-agent pod logs, you may see a snippet similar to the following:

    2017-11-07 00:04:37.808870 I | rook-flexdriver: WARNING: The node kernel version is 4.4.0-87-generic, which do not support multiple ceph filesystems. The kernel version has to be at least 4.7. If you have multiple ceph filesystems, the result could be inconsistent

    This will happen in kernels with versions older than 4.7, where the option mds_namespace is not supported. This option is used to specify a filesystem namespace.

    In this case, if there is only one filesystem in the Rook cluster, there should be no issues and the mount should succeed. If you have more than one filesystem, inconsistent results may arise and the filesystem mounted may not be the one you specified.

    If the issue is still not resolved from the steps above, please come chat with us on the #general channel of our Rook Slack. We want to help you get your storage working and learn from those lessons to prevent users in the future from seeing the same issue.

    Cluster failing to service requests


    • Execution of the ceph command hangs
    • Execution of the rookctl command hangs
    • PersistentVolumes are not being created
    • Large amount of slow requests are blocking
    • Large amount of stuck requests are blocking
    • One or more MONs are restarting periodically


    Create a rook-tools pod to investigate the current state of CEPH. Here is an example of what one might see. In this case the ceph status command would just hang so a CTRL-C needed to be send. The rookctl status command is able to give a good amount of detail. In some cases the rook-api pod needs to be restarted for rookctl to be able to gather information. If the rook-api is restarted, then the rook-tools pod should be restarted also.

    $ kubectl -n rook exec -it rook-tools bash
    root@rook-tools:/# ceph status
    ^CCluster connection interrupted or timed out
    root@rook-tools:/# rookctl status
    SEVERITY   NAME              MESSAGE
    WARNING    REQUEST_SLOW      1664 slow requests are blocked > 32 sec
    ERROR      REQUEST_STUCK     102722 stuck requests are blocked > 4096 sec
    WARNING    TOO_MANY_PGS      too many PGs per OSD (323 > max 300)
    WARNING    OSD_DOWN          1 osds down
    WARNING    OSD_HOST_DOWN     1 host (1 osds) down
    WARNING    PG_AVAILABILITY   Reduced data availability: 415 pgs stale
    WARNING    PG_DEGRADED       Degraded data redundancy: 190/958 objects degraded (19.833%), 53 pgs unclean, 53 pgs degraded, 53 pgs undersized
    TOTAL        USED        DATA       AVAILABLE
    755.27 GiB   65.29 GiB   1.12 GiB   689.98 GiB
    NAME              ADDRESS               IN QUORUM   STATUS
    rook-ceph-mon75    true        OK
    rook-ceph-mon21   true        OK
    rook-ceph-mon65   true        OK
    NAME             STATUS
    rook-ceph-mgr0   Active
    TOTAL     UP        IN        FULL      NEAR FULL
    4         1         2         false     false
    PLACEMENT GROUPS (600 total):
    STATE                        COUNT
    active+clean                 132
    active+undersized+degraded   53
    stale+active+clean           415

    Another indication is when one or more of the MON pods restart frequently. Note the ‘mon107’ that has only been up for 16 minutes in the following output.

    $ kubectl -n rook get all -o wide --show-all
    NAME                                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP               NODE
    po/rook-api-41429188-x9l2r           1/1       Running   0          17h    k8-host-0401
    po/rook-ceph-mgr0-2487684371-gzlbq   1/1       Running   0          17h   k8-host-0402
    po/rook-ceph-mon107-p74rj            1/1       Running   0          16m   k8-host-0402
    rook-ceph-mon1-56fgm                 1/1       Running   0          2d   k8-host-0404
    rook-ceph-mon2-rlxcd                 1/1       Running   0          2d   k8-host-0403
    rook-ceph-osd-bg2vj                  1/1       Running   0          2d   k8-host-0404
    rook-ceph-osd-mwxdm                  1/1       Running   0          2d   k8-host-0403


    What is happening here is that the MON pods are restarting and one or more of the CEPH daemons are not getting configured with the proper cluster information. This is commonly the result of not specifying a value for dataDirHostPath in your Cluster CRD.

    The dataDirHostPath setting specifies a path on the local host for the CEPH daemons to store configuration and data. Setting this to a path like /var/lib/rook, reapplying your Cluster CRD and restarting all the CEPH daemons (MON, MGR, OSD, RGW) should solve this problem. After the CEPH daemons have been restarted, it is advisable to restart the rook-api and rook-tool Pods.

    Only a single monitor pod starts after redeploy


    • After tearing down a working cluster to redeploy a new cluster, the new cluster fails to start
    • Rook operator is running
    • Only a partial number of the MON daemons are created and are failing
    • If the mons started, the OSD pods are failing


    When attempting to reinstall Rook, the rook-operator pod gets started successfully and then the cluster CRD is then loaded. The rook-operator only starts up a single MON (possibly on rare occasion a second MON may be started) and just hangs. Looking at the log output of the rook-operator the last operation that was occuring was a ceph mon_status.

    Looking at the log or the termination status for the mon pod, you will see a message indicating the keyring does not match from a previous deployment.

    # the mon pod is in a crash loop backoff state
    $ kubectl -n rook get pod
    NAME                   READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
    rook-ceph-mon0-r8tbl   0/1       CrashLoopBackOff   2          47s
    # the pod shows a termination status that the keyring does not match the existing keyring
    $ kubectl -n rook describe pod -l mon=rook-ceph-mon0
        Last State:		Terminated
          Reason:		Error
          Message:		The keyring does not match the existing keyring in /var/lib/rook/rook-ceph-mon0/data/keyring. 
                        You may need to delete the contents of dataDirHostPath on the host from a previous deployment.

    If your cluster is larger than a couple nodes, you may get lucky enough that the monitors were able to start and form quorum. However, now the OSDs pods may fail to start due to state from a previous deployment. Looking at the OSD pod logs you will see an error about the file already existing.

    $ kubectl -n rook logs rook-ceph-osd-fl8fs
    2017-10-31 20:13:11.187106 I | mkfs-osd0: 2017-10-31 20:13:11.186992 7f0059d62e00 -1 bluestore(/var/lib/rook/osd0) _read_fsid unparsable uuid 
    2017-10-31 20:13:11.187208 I | mkfs-osd0: 2017-10-31 20:13:11.187026 7f0059d62e00 -1 bluestore(/var/lib/rook/osd0) _setup_block_symlink_or_file failed to create block symlink to /dev/disk/by-partuuid/651153ba-2dfc-4231-ba06-94759e5ba273: (17) File exists
    2017-10-31 20:13:11.187233 I | mkfs-osd0: 2017-10-31 20:13:11.187038 7f0059d62e00 -1 bluestore(/var/lib/rook/osd0) mkfs failed, (17) File exists
    2017-10-31 20:13:11.187254 I | mkfs-osd0: 2017-10-31 20:13:11.187042 7f0059d62e00 -1 OSD::mkfs: ObjectStore::mkfs failed with error (17) File exists
    2017-10-31 20:13:11.187275 I | mkfs-osd0: 2017-10-31 20:13:11.187121 7f0059d62e00 -1  ** ERROR: error creating empty object store in /var/lib/rook/osd0: (17) File exists


    This is a common problem reinitializing the Rook cluster when the local directory used for persistence has not been purged. This directory is the dataDirHostPath setting in the cluster CRD and is typically set to /var/lib/rook. To fix the issue you will need to delete all components of Rook and then delete the contents of /var/lib/rook (or the directory specified by dataDirHostPath) on each of the hosts in the cluster. Then when the cluster CRD is applied to start a new cluster, the rook-operator should start all the pods as expected.