
    Key Management System

    Rook has the ability to encrypt OSDs of clusters running on PVC via the flag (encrypted: true) in your storageClassDeviceSets template. By default, the Key Encryption Keys (also known as Data Encryption Keys) are stored in a Kubernetes Secret. However, if a Key Management System exists Rook is capable of using it.

    The security section contains settings related to encryption of the cluster.

    • security:
      • kms: Key Management System settings
        • connectionDetails: the list of parameters representing kms connection details
        • tokenSecretName: the name of the Kubernetes Secret containing the kms authentication token

    Supported KMS providers:


    Rook supports storing OSD encryption keys in HashiCorp Vault KMS.

    Authentication methods

    Rook support two authentication methods:

    • token-based: a token is provided by the user and is stored in a Kubernetes Secret. It’s used to authenticate the KMS by the Rook operator. This has several pitfalls such as:
      • when the token expires it must be renewed, so the secret holding it must be updated
      • no token automatic rotation
    • Kubernetes Service Account uses Vault Kubernetes native authentication mechanism and alleviate some of the limitations from the token authentication such as token automatic renewal. This method is generally recommended over the token-based authentication.

    Token-based authentication

    When using the token-based authentication, a Kubernetes Secret must be created to hold the token. This is governed by the tokenSecretName parameter.

    Note: Rook supports all the Vault environment variables.

    The Kubernetes Secret rook-vault-token should contain:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: rook-vault-token
      namespace: rook-ceph
      token: <TOKEN> # base64 of a token to connect to Vault, for example: cy5GWXpsbzAyY2duVGVoRjhkWG5Bb3EyWjkK

    You can create a token in Vault by running the following command:

    vault token create -policy=rook

    Refer to the official vault document for more details on how to create a token. For which policy to apply see the next section.

    In order for Rook to connect to Vault, you must configure the following in your CephCluster template:

        # name of the k8s config map containing all the kms connection details
          KMS_PROVIDER: vault
          VAULT_ADDR: https://vault.default.svc.cluster.local:8200
          VAULT_BACKEND_PATH: rook
          VAULT_AUTH_METHOD: token
        # name of the k8s secret containing the kms authentication token
        tokenSecretName: rook-vault-token

    Kubernetes-based authentication

    In order to use the Kubernetes Service Account authentication method, the following must be run to properly configure Vault:

    # create service account for vault to validate API token
    kubectl -n "$ROOK_NAMESPACE" create serviceaccount "$ROOK_VAULT_SA"
    # create the RBAC for this SA
    kubectl -n "$ROOK_NAMESPACE" create clusterrolebinding vault-tokenreview-binding --clusterrole=system:auth-delegator --serviceaccount="$ROOK_NAMESPACE":"$ROOK_VAULT_SA"
    # get the service account common.yaml created earlier
    VAULT_SA_SECRET_NAME=$(kubectl -n "$ROOK_NAMESPACE" get sa "$ROOK_VAULT_SA" -o jsonpath="{.secrets[*]['name']}")
    # Set SA_JWT_TOKEN value to the service account JWT used to access the TokenReview API
    SA_JWT_TOKEN=$(kubectl -n "$ROOK_NAMESPACE" get secret "$VAULT_SA_SECRET_NAME" -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode)
    # Set SA_CA_CRT to the PEM encoded CA cert used to talk to Kubernetes API
    SA_CA_CRT=$(kubectl -n "$ROOK_NAMESPACE" get secret "$VAULT_SA_SECRET_NAME" -o jsonpath="{.data['ca\.crt']}" | base64 --decode)
    # get kubernetes endpoint
    K8S_HOST=$(kubectl config view --minify --flatten -o jsonpath="{.clusters[0].cluster.server}")
    # enable kubernetes auth
    vault auth enable kubernetes
    # To fetch the service account issuer
    kubectl proxy &
    # configure the kubernetes auth
    vault write auth/kubernetes/config \
        token_reviewer_jwt="$SA_JWT_TOKEN" \
        kubernetes_host="$K8S_HOST" \
        kubernetes_ca_cert="$SA_CA_CRT" \
        issuer="$(curl --silent | jq -r .issuer)"
    kill $proxy_pid
    # configure a role for rook
    vault write auth/kubernetes/role/"$ROOK_NAMESPACE" \
        bound_service_account_names="$ROOK_SYSTEM_SA","$ROOK_OSD_SA" \
        bound_service_account_namespaces="$ROOK_NAMESPACE" \
        policies="$VAULT_POLICY_NAME" \

    Once done, your CephCluster CR should look like:

            KMS_PROVIDER: vault
            VAULT_ADDR: https://vault.default.svc.cluster.local:8200
            VAULT_BACKEND_PATH: rook
            VAULT_SECRET_ENGINE: kv
            VAULT_AUTH_METHOD: kubernetes
            VAULT_AUTH_KUBERNETES_ROLE: rook-ceph

    Note: The VAULT_ADDR value above assumes that Vault is accessible within the cluster itself on the default port (8200). If running elsewhere, please update the URL accordingly.

    General Vault configuration

    As part of the token, here is an example of a policy that can be used:

    path "rook/*" {
      capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]
    path "sys/mounts" {
    capabilities = ["read"]

    You can write the policy like so and then create a token:

    vault policy write rook /tmp/rook.hcl
    vault token create -policy=rook
    Key                  Value
    ---                  -----
    token                s.FYzlo02cgnTehF8dXnAoq2Z9
    token_accessor       oMo7sAXQKbYtxU4HtO8k3pko
    token_duration       768h
    token_renewable      true
    token_policies       ["default" "rook"]
    identity_policies    []
    policies             ["default" "rook"]

    In the above example, Vault’s secret backend path name is rook. It must be enabled with the following:

    vault secrets enable -path=rook kv

    If a different path is used, the VAULT_BACKEND_PATH key in connectionDetails must be changed.

    TLS configuration

    This is an advanced but recommended configuration for production deployments, in this case the vault-connection-details will look like:

        # name of the k8s config map containing all the kms connection details
          KMS_PROVIDER: vault
          VAULT_ADDR: https://vault.default.svc.cluster.local:8200
          VAULT_CACERT: <name of the k8s secret containing the PEM-encoded CA certificate>
          VAULT_CLIENT_CERT: <name of the k8s secret containing the PEM-encoded client certificate>
          VAULT_CLIENT_KEY: <name of the k8s secret containing the PEM-encoded private key>
        # name of the k8s secret containing the kms authentication token
        tokenSecretName: rook-vault-token

    Each secret keys are expected to be:

    • VAULT_CACERT: cert

    For instance VAULT_CACERT Secret named vault-tls-ca-certificate will look like:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: vault-tls-ca-certificate
      namespace: rook-ceph
      cert: <PEM base64 encoded CA certificate>

    Note: if you are using self-signed certificates (not known/approved by a proper CA) you must pass VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY: true. Communications will remain encrypted but the validity of the certificate will not be verified.

    IBM Key Protect

    Rook supports storing OSD encryption keys in IBM Key Protect. The current implementation stores OSD encryption keys as Standard Keys using the Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) method. This means that the Key Protect instance policy must have Standard Imported Key enabled.


    First, you need to provision the Key Protect service on the IBM Cloud. Once completed, retrieve the instance ID. Make a record of it; we need it in the CRD.

    On the IBM Cloud, the user must create a Service ID, then assign an Access Policy to this service. Ultimately, a Service API Key needs to be generated. All the steps are summarized in the official documentation.

    The Service ID must be granted access to the Key Protect Service. Once the Service API Key is generated, store it in a Kubernetes Secret.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: ibm-kp-svc-api-key
      namespace: rook-ceph
      IBM_KP_SERVICE_API_KEY: <service API Key>

    In order for Rook to connect to IBM Key Protect, you must configure the following in your CephCluster template:

        # name of the k8s config map containing all the kms connection details
          KMS_PROVIDER: ibmkeyprotect
          IBM_KP_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID: <instance ID that was retrieved in the first paragraph>
        # name of the k8s secret containing the service API Key
        tokenSecretName: ibm-kp-svc-api-key

    More options are supported such as:

    • IBM_BASE_URL: the base URL of the Key Protect instance, depending on your region. Defaults to https://us-south.kms.cloud.ibm.com.
    • IBM_TOKEN_URL: the URL of the Key Protect instance to retrieve the token. Defaults to https://iam.cloud.ibm.com/oidc/token. Only needed for private instances.