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Ceph Upgrades

This guide will walk you through the steps to upgrade the version of Ceph in a Rook cluster. Rook and Ceph upgrades are designed to ensure data remains available even while the upgrade is proceeding. Rook will perform the upgrades in a rolling fashion such that application pods are not disrupted.

Rook is cautious when performing upgrades. When an upgrade is requested (the Ceph image has been updated in the CR), Rook will go through all the daemons one by one and will individually perform checks on them. It will make sure a particular daemon can be stopped before performing the upgrade. Once the deployment has been updated, it checks if this is ok to continue. After each daemon is updated we wait for things to settle (monitors to be in a quorum, PGs to be clean for OSDs, up for MDSes, etc.), then only when the condition is met we move to the next daemon. We repeat this process until all the daemons have been updated.


  • WARNING: Upgrading a Rook cluster is not without risk. There may be unexpected issues or obstacles that damage the integrity and health of your storage cluster, including data loss.
  • The Rook cluster's storage may be unavailable for short periods during the upgrade process.
  • We recommend that you read this document in full before you undertake a Ceph upgrade.

Supported Versions

Rook v1.10 supports the following Ceph versions:

  • Ceph Quincy v17.2.0 or newer
  • Ceph Pacific v16.2.0 or newer

Support for Ceph Octopus (15.2.x) was removed. If you are running Octopus you must upgrade the Ceph version before upgrading to Rook v1.10.


When an update is requested, the operator will check Ceph's status, if it is in HEALTH_ERR the operator will refuse to proceed with the upgrade.

We recommend updating to v16.2.7 or newer. If you require updating to v16.2.0-v16.2.6, please see the v1.8 upgrade guide for a special upgrade consideration.


Ceph v17.2.2 has a blocking issue when running with Rook. If you are running Ceph v17, we recommend using v17.2.3 or newer.

Quincy Consideration

In Ceph Quincy (v17), the device_health_metrics pool was renamed to .mgr. Ceph will perform this migration automatically. If you do not use CephBlockPool to customize the configuration of the device_health_metrics pool, the pool rename will be automatic.

If you do use CephBlockPool to customize the configuration of the device_health_metrics pool, you will need two extra steps after the Ceph upgrade is complete. Once upgrade is complete:

  1. Create a new CephBlockPool to configure the .mgr built-in pool. You can reference the example builtin mgr pool.
  2. Delete the old CephBlockPool that represents the device_health_metrics pool.

CephNFS User Consideration

Ceph Quincy v17.2.1 has a potentially breaking regression with CephNFS. See the NFS documentation's known issue for more detail.

Ceph Images

Official Ceph container images can be found on Quay.

These images are tagged in a few ways:

  • The most explicit form of tags are full-ceph-version-and-build tags (e.g., v17.2.6-20230410). These tags are recommended for production clusters, as there is no possibility for the cluster to be heterogeneous with respect to the version of Ceph running in containers.
  • Ceph major version tags (e.g., v17) are useful for development and test clusters so that the latest version of Ceph is always available.

Ceph containers other than the official images from the registry above will not be supported.

Example Upgrade to Ceph Quincy

1. Update the Ceph daemons

The upgrade will be automated by the Rook operator after you update the desired Ceph image in the cluster CRD (spec.cephVersion.image).

kubectl -n $ROOK_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE patch CephCluster $ROOK_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE --type=merge -p "{\"spec\": {\"cephVersion\": {\"image\": \"$NEW_CEPH_IMAGE\"}}}"

2. Wait for the pod updates

As with upgrading Rook, you must now wait for the upgrade to complete. Status can be determined in a similar way to the Rook upgrade as well.

watch --exec kubectl -n $ROOK_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE get deployments -l rook_cluster=$ROOK_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"  \treq/upd/avl: "}{.spec.replicas}{"/"}{.status.updatedReplicas}{"/"}{.status.readyReplicas}{"  \tceph-version="}{.metadata.labels.ceph-version}{"\n"}{end}'

Confirm the upgrade is completed when the versions are all on the desired Ceph version.

kubectl -n $ROOK_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE get deployment -l rook_cluster=$ROOK_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"ceph-version="}{.metadata.labels.ceph-version}{"\n"}{end}' | sort | uniq
This cluster is not yet finished:
This cluster is finished:

3. Verify cluster health

Verify the Ceph cluster's health using the health verification.